Name |
Description |
AnnotationElement2d |
2d element used to annotate drawings and sheets. |
AuxCoordSystem |
An auxiliary coordinate system element. |
AuxCoordSystem2d |
A 2d auxiliary coordinate system. |
AuxCoordSystem3d |
A 3d auxiliary coordinate system. |
AuxCoordSystemSpatial |
A spatial auxiliary coordinate system. |
BisCoreSchema |
The BisCore schema is the lowest level Schema in an iModel. |
BriefcaseDb |
A local copy of an iModel from iModelHub that can pull and potentially push changesets. |
BriefcaseManager |
Manages downloading Briefcases and downloading and uploading changesets. |
Callout |
A graphical DetailingSymbol that calls out a reference to another drawing. |
Category |
A Category element is the target of the category member of GeometricElement. |
CategoryOwnsSubCategories |
Relates a parent Category to SubCategory child elements. |
CategorySelector |
Holds a list of Ids of Categories to be displayed in a view. |
ChangesetECAdaptor |
Transform sqlite change to ec change. |
ChangeSummaryManager |
Class to extract Change Summaries for a briefcase. |
ChannelRootAspect |
ClassRegistry |
Maintains the mapping between the name of a BIS ECClass (in "schema:class" format) and the JavaScript Entity class that implements it. |
CodeSpecs |
Manages CodeSpecs within an IModelDb |
DefinitionContainer |
A DefinitionContainer exclusively owns a set of DefinitionElements contained within its sub-model (of type DefinitionModel). |
DefinitionElement |
A Definition Element holds configuration-related information that is meant to be referenced / shared. |
DefinitionGroup |
A non-exclusive set of DefinitionElements grouped using the DefinitionGroupGroupsDefinitions relationship. |
DefinitionGroupGroupsDefinitions |
Relates a DefinitionGroup to its DefinitionElement members. |
DefinitionModel |
A container for persisting definition elements. |
DefinitionPartition |
A DefinitionPartition element establishes a Definition modeling perspective for its parent Subject. |
DefinitionSet |
This abstract class unifies DefinitionGroup and DefinitionContainer for relationship endpoint purposes. |
DetailCallout |
A graphical Callout that references a detail drawing. |
DetailingSymbol |
A graphical detailing symbol that is placed on a Drawing or Sheet. |
DictionaryModel |
The singleton container for repository-specific definition elements. |
DisplayStyle |
A DisplayStyle defines the parameters for 'styling' the contents of a view. |
DisplayStyle2d |
A DisplayStyle for 2d views. |
DisplayStyle3d |
A DisplayStyle for 3d views. |
Document |
An InformationContentElement that identifies the content of a document. |
DocumentListModel |
Contains a list of document elements. |
DocumentPartition |
A DocumentPartition element establishes a Document modeling perspective for its parent Subject. |
Drawing |
A document that represents a drawing, that is, a two-dimensional graphical representation of engineering data. |
DrawingCategory |
Categorizes 2d GeometricElements. |
DrawingGraphic |
2d element used to persist graphics for use in drawings. |
DrawingGraphicRepresentsElement |
Relates a DrawingGraphic to the Element that it represents |
DrawingGraphicRepresentsFunctionalElement |
Relates a DrawingGraphic to the FunctionalElement that it represents |
DrawingModel |
A 2d model that holds DrawingGraphics. |
DrawingViewDefinition |
Defines a view of a DrawingModel. |
DriverBundleElement |
Element used in conjunction with bis:ElementDrivesElement relationships to bundle multiple inputs before |
ECDb |
An ECDb file |
ECSchemaXmlContext |
Context used when deserializing a Schema from an XML file. |
ECSqlBinder |
Binds a value to an ECSQL parameter. |
ECSqlInsertResult |
The result of an ECSQL INSERT statement as returned from ECSqlStatement.stepForInsert. |
ECSqlStatement |
Executes ECSQL statements. |
ECSqlValue |
Value of a column in a row of an ECSQL query result. |
ECSqlValueIterator |
Iterator over members of a struct ECSqlValue or the elements of an array ECSqlValue. |
Element |
The smallest individually identifiable building block for modeling the real world in an iModel. |
ElementAspect |
An Element Aspect is a class that defines a set of properties that are related to (and owned by) a single element. |
ElementDrivesElement |
A Relationship indicating that one Element drives another Element. |
ElementEncapsulatesElements |
Relates a parent Element to child Elements which represent hidden parts of the Entity. |
ElementGroupsMembers |
An ElementRefersToElements relationship where one Element groups a set of other Elements. |
ElementMultiAspect |
An Element Multi-Aspect is an ElementAspect where there can be n instances of the Element Aspect class per Element. |
ElementOwnsChildElements |
Relates a parent Element to child Elements which represent parts of the Entity modeled by the parent Element. |
ElementOwnsExternalSourceAspects |
Relates an Element and an ExternalSourceAspect that it owns. |
ElementOwnsMultiAspects |
Relates an Element and an ElementMultiAspect that it owns. |
ElementOwnsUniqueAspect |
Relates an Element and an ElementUniqueAspect that it owns. |
ElementRefersToElements |
A Relationship where one Element refers to another Element |
ElementSubTreeDeleter |
Performs a breadth-first search to visit elements in top-down order. |
ElementTreeBottomUp |
Does a depth-first search on the tree defined by an element and its sub-models and children. |
ElementTreeDeleter |
Deletes an entire element tree, including sub-models and child elements. |
ElementTreeWalkerScope |
Records the path that a tree search took to reach an element or model. |
ElementUniqueAspect |
An Element Unique Aspect is an ElementAspect where there can be only zero or one instance of the Element Aspect class per Element. |
ElevationCallout |
A graphical Callout that references an elevation drawing. |
EmbeddedFileLink |
An information element that links to an embedded file. |
Entity |
Represents one of the fundamental building block in an IModelDb: as an Element, Model, or Relationship. |
ExportGraphicsMeshVisitor |
* Iterator to walk the facets of an ExportGraphicsMesh and present them to the world as if visiting a Polyface. |
ExternalSource |
An ExternalSource refers to an 'information container' found in a repository. |
ExternalSourceAspect |
An ElementMultiAspect that stores synchronization information for an Element originating from an external source. |
ExternalSourceAttachment |
Attachment of an ExternalSource |
ExternalSourceAttachmentAttachesSource |
Relates an ExternalSource to the RepositoryLink that it is persisted in. |
ExternalSourceGroup |
A group of ExternalSources that are collectively a source of information for one or more elements. |
ExternalSourceGroupGroupsSources |
Relates an ExternalSourceGroup to its ExternalSource members. |
ExternalSourceIsInRepository |
Relates an ExternalSource to the RepositoryLink that it is persisted in. |
ExternalSourceOwnsAttachments |
Relates a parent ExternalSource to its ExternalSourceAttachment children. |
FileNameResolver |
Extend this class to provide custom file name resolution behavior. |
FolderContainsRepositories |
Relates a parent FolderLink to its RepositoryLink children. |
FunctionalBreakdownElement |
A FunctionalBreakdownElement is a folder node in the functional hierarchy. |
FunctionalComponentElement |
A FunctionalComponentElement is a leaf node in the functional hierarchy. |
FunctionalComposite |
FunctionalElement |
A FunctionalElement captures functional requirements that will ultimately be fulfilled by a PhysicalElement. |
FunctionalElementIsOfType |
Relates a FunctionalElement to its FunctionalType |
FunctionalModel |
A container for persisting FunctionalElements. |
FunctionalPartition |
A FunctionalPartition element is a key part of the iModel information hierarchy and is always parented |
FunctionalSchema |
FunctionalType |
Defines a set of properties (the 'type') that can be associated with a Functional Element. |
GenericDocument |
The Generic:Document class is used when a document cannot be further classified. |
GenericGraphicalModel3d |
A generic container for persisting BisCore:GraphicalElement3d instances. |
GenericGraphicalType2d |
The Generic:GraphicalType2d class is used when graphical types cannot be further classified. |
GenericPhysicalMaterial |
The Generic:PhysicalMaterial class is used when the physical material cannot be further classified. |
GenericPhysicalType |
The Generic:PhysicalType class is used when the physical type cannot be further classified. |
GenericSchema |
GeometricElement |
An abstract base class to model real world entities that intrinsically have geometry. |
GeometricElement2d |
An abstract base class to model information entities that intrinsically have 2d geometry. |
GeometricElement2dHasTypeDefinition |
Relates a GeometricElement2d to its TypeDefinitionElement |
GeometricElement3d |
An abstract base class to model real world entities that intrinsically have 3d geometry. |
GeometricElement3dHasTypeDefinition |
Relates a GeometricElement3d to its TypeDefinitionElement |
GeometricModel |
A container for persisting geometric elements. |
GeometricModel2d |
A container for persisting 2d geometric elements. |
GeometricModel3d |
A container for persisting 3d geometric elements. |
GeometryPart |
A Definition Element that specifies a collection of geometry that is meant to be reused across Geometric |
Graphic3d |
The Generic:Graphic3d class is used when 3D graphics cannot be further classified. |
GraphicalElement2d |
An abstract base class for 2d Geometric Elements that are used to convey information within graphical presentations (like drawings). |
GraphicalElement2dIsOfType |
Relates a GraphicalElement2d to its GraphicalType2d |
GraphicalElement3d |
A 3d Graphical Element |
GraphicalElement3dRepresentsElement |
Relates a GraphicalElement3d to the Element that it represents |
GraphicalModel2d |
A container for persisting 2d graphical elements. |
GraphicalModel3d |
A container for persisting GraphicalElement3d instances. |
GraphicalPartition3d |
A GraphicalPartition3d element establishes a 3D Graphical modeling perspective for its parent Subject. |
GraphicalType2d |
Defines a set of properties (the type) that can be associated with a 2D Graphical Element. |
Group |
The Generic:Group class is used when the group cannot be further classified. |
GroupImpartsToMembers |
Represents group membership where the group Element (and its properties) impart information about the member Elements above mere membership. |
GroupInformationElement |
Group Information is an abstract base class for modeling entities whose main purpose is to reference a group of related elements. |
GroupInformationModel |
A container for persisting group information elements. |
GroupInformationPartition |
A GroupInformationPartition element establishes a Group Information modeling perspective for its parent Subject. |
GroupModel |
A generic container for BisCore:GroupInformationElement instances. |
IModelDb |
An iModel database file. |
IModelElementCloneContext |
The context for transforming a source Element to a target Element and remapping internal identifiers to the target iModel. |
IModelHost |
IModelHost initializes core-backend and captures its configuration. |
IModelHostConfiguration |
Configuration of core-backend. |
IModelJsFs |
File system operations that are defined on all platforms. |
IModelJsFsStats |
Information about a file. |
InformationContentElement |
Information Content Element is an abstract base class for modeling pure information entities. |
InformationModel |
A container for persisting information elements. |
InformationPartitionElement |
An abstract base class for elements that establishes a particular modeling perspective for its parent Subject. |
InformationRecordElement |
Information Record Element is an abstract base class for modeling information records. |
InformationRecordModel |
A container for persisting Information Record Elements |
InformationRecordPartition |
An InformationRecordPartition element establishes a Information Record modeling perspective for its parent Subject. |
InformationReferenceElement |
Information Reference is an abstract base class for modeling entities whose main purpose is to reference something else. |
IpcHandler |
Base class for all implementations of an Ipc interface. |
IpcHost |
Used by applications that have a dedicated backend. |
KnownLocations |
Well known directories that may be used by the application. |
LineStyle |
The definition element for a line style |
LinkElement |
An information element that specifies a link. |
LinkModel |
A container for persisting link elements. |
LinkPartition |
A LinkPartition element establishes a Link modeling perspective for its parent Subject. |
LockConflict |
Exception thrown if lock cannot be acquired. |
Model |
A Model is a container for persisting a collection of related elements within an iModel. |
ModelSelector |
Holds the list of Ids of GeometricModels displayed by a SpatialViewDefinition. |
NativeAppStorage |
A local file stored in the appSettingsCacheDir for storing key/value pairs. |
NativeHost |
Backend for desktop/mobile native applications |
OrthographicViewDefinition |
Defines a spatial view that displays geometry on the image plane using a parallel orthographic projection. |
PartialECChangeUnifier |
Combine partial changed instance into single instance. |
PhysicalElement |
An Element that is spatially located, has mass, and can be touched. |
PhysicalElementAssemblesElements |
Relates a parent PhysicalElement to PhysicalElement children that it assembles. |
PhysicalElementFulfillsFunction |
Relates a PhysicalElement to the FunctionalElement elements that it fulfills. |
PhysicalElementIsOfPhysicalMaterial |
Relates a PhysicalElement to its PhysicalMaterial |
PhysicalElementIsOfType |
Relates a PhysicalElement to its PhysicalType |
PhysicalMaterial |
A PhysicalMaterial defines the matter that makes up physical elements. |
PhysicalModel |
A container for persisting physical elements that model physical space. |
PhysicalObject |
The Generic:PhysicalObject class is used when physical elements cannot be further classified. |
PhysicalPartition |
A PhysicalPartition element establishes a Physical modeling perspective for its parent Subject. |
PhysicalType |
Defines a set of properties (the type) that can be associated with a Physical Element. |
PhysicalTypeIsOfPhysicalMaterial |
Relates a PhysicalType to its PhysicalMaterial |
PlanCallout |
A graphical Callout that references a plan drawing. |
Platform |
Information about the platform on which the app is running. |
RecipeDefinitionElement |
Defines a recipe for generating instances from a definition. |
Relationship |
Base class for all link table ECRelationships |
Relationships |
Manages Relationships. |
RenderMaterialElement |
Defines a rendering material. |
RenderMaterialOwnsRenderMaterials |
Relates a parent RenderMaterial to RenderMaterial child elements. |
RenderTimeline |
Describes how to animate a view of a GeometricModel to show change over time using a RenderSchedule.Script. |
RepositoryLink |
An information element that links to a repository. |
RepositoryModel |
The singleton container of repository-related information elements. |
RoleElement |
A real world entity is modeled as a Role Element when a set of external circumstances define an important |
RoleModel |
A container for persisting role elements. |
RpcTrace |
Utility for tracing Rpc activity processing. |
Schema |
Base class for all schema classes - see working with schemas and elements in TypeScript. |
Schemas |
Manages registered schemas |
SectionCallout |
A graphical Callout that references a section drawing. |
SectionDrawing |
A document that represents a section drawing, that is, a graphical documentation derived from a planar |
SectionDrawingLocation |
A SectionDrawingLocation element identifies the location of a SectionDrawing in the context of a SpatialModel, |
SectionDrawingModel |
A container for persisting section DrawingGraphics. |
Sheet |
A digital representation of a sheet of paper. |
SheetBorderTemplate |
The template for a SheetBorder |
SheetModel |
A container for persisting ViewAttachments and DrawingGraphics. |
SheetTemplate |
The template for a Sheet |
SheetViewDefinition |
Defines a view of a SheetModel. |
SnapshotDb |
A snapshot iModel database file that is used for archival and data transfer purposes. |
SpatialCategory |
Categorizes SpatialElements. |
SpatialElement |
An Element that occupies real world space. |
SpatialLocation |
The Generic:SpatialLocation class is used when spatial locations cannot be further classified. |
SpatialLocationElement |
Identifies a tracked real world location but has no mass and cannot be touched. |
SpatialLocationIsOfType |
Relates a SpatialLocationElement to its SpatialLocationType |
SpatialLocationModel |
A container for persisting spatial location elements. |
SpatialLocationPartition |
A SpatialLocationPartition element establishes a SpatialLocation modeling perspective for its parent Subject. |
SpatialLocationType |
Defines a set of properties (the type) that can be associated with a spatial location. |
SpatialModel |
A container for persisting 3d geometric elements that are spatially located. |
SpatialViewDefinition |
Defines a view of one or more SpatialModels. |
SqliteChangesetReader |
Read raw sqlite changeset from disk and enumerate changes. |
SQLiteDb |
A "generic" SQLiteDb. |
SqliteStatement |
Executes SQLite SQL statements. |
SqliteValue |
Value of a column in a row of an SQLite SQL query result. |
StandaloneDb |
Standalone iModels are read/write files that are not associated with an iTwin or managed by iModelHub. |
SubCategory |
Defines the appearance for graphics in Geometric elements |
Subject |
A Subject is an information element that describes what this repository (or part thereof) is about. |
SubjectOwnsPartitionElements |
Relates a parent Subject to InformationPartitionElement child elements. |
SubjectOwnsSubjects |
Relates a parent Subject to Subject child elements. |
SynchronizationConfigLink |
Link to the Configuration for an iModel Synchronization Job |
SynchronizationConfigProcessesSources |
Relates a SynchronizationConfigLink to N ExternalSource instances. |
SynchronizationConfigSpecifiesRootSources |
Relates a SynchronizationConfigLink to root ExternalSource instances. |
TemplateRecipe2d |
A recipe that uses a 2D template for creating new instances. |
TemplateRecipe3d |
A TemplateRecipe3d is a DefinitionElement that has a sub-model that contains the 3d template elements. |
TextAnnotation2d |
An element that displays textual content within a 2d model. |
TextAnnotation3d |
An element that displays textual content within a 3d model. |
Texture |
Defines a rendering texture that is associated with a Material and applied to surface geometry. |
TileStorage |
Facilitates interaction with cloud tile cache. |
TitleText |
A graphical DetailingSymbol that contains title text. |
TxnManager |
Manages local changes to a BriefcaseDb or StandaloneDb via Txns |
TypeDefinitionElement |
Defines a set of properties (the type) that may be associated with an element. |
UrlLink |
An information element that specifies a URL link. |
VersionedSqliteDb |
Abstract base class for a SQLite database that has RequiredVersionRanges stored in it. |
ViewAttachment |
Represents an attachment of a ViewDefinition to a Sheet. |
ViewAttachmentLabel |
A graphical DetailingSymbol that contains a view attachment label. |
ViewDefinition |
The definition element for a view. |
ViewDefinition2d |
Defines a view of a single 2d model. |
ViewDefinition3d |
Defines a view of one or more 3d models. |
VolumeElement |
A Volume Element is a Spatial Location Element that is restricted to defining a volume. |
WebAppRpcLoggingBackend |
WebMercatorModel |
Obtains and displays multi-resolution tiled raster organized according to the WebMercator tiling system. |