Interactive- and immediate-mode tools, most of which can be executed via key-in. All key-ins are documented in the package's README.
Name | Description | |
AnimationIntervalTool | Changes the IModelApp.animationInterval. | |
ApplyRenderingStyleTool | Given a "rendering style" as a partial DisplayStyle3dSettingsProperties JSON string, apply it to the selected viewport's display style. | |
ApplyViewByIdTool | Given the Id of a persistent ViewDefinition, applies that view to the active viewport. | |
ApplyViewTool | Given a string containing a JSON representation of a ViewState, applies that ViewState to the active viewport. | |
AttachArcGISFeatureMapLayerByUrlTool | This tool attaches an ArcGIS map layer from a given URL. | |
AttachArcGISMapLayerByUrlTool | This tool attaches an ArcGIS map layer from a given URL. | |
AttachCesiumAssetTool | Attach a cesium asset from the Ion ID and key. | |
AttachMapLayerTool | This tool add a Map Layer from a specified name (look up in MapLayerSources.json). | |
AttachMapOverlayTool | This tool attaches a Overlay map layer. | |
AttachModelMapLayerTool | Attach a map layer from URL base class. | |
AttachOgcApiFeaturesMapLayerTool | This tool attaches an ArcGIS map layer from a given URL. | |
AttachRealityModelTool | This tool attaches a specified reality model. | |
AttachTileURLMapLayerByUrlTool | This tool attaches a map layer from a given tile URL. | |
AttachWmsMapLayerByUrlTool | This tool attaches a WMS map layer from a given URL. | |
AttachWmtsMapLayerByUrlTool | This tool attaches a WMTS map layer from a given URL. | |
ChangeBackgroundColorTool | Change the background color of the active viewport and optionally its transparency. | |
ChangeCameraTool | Change the camera settings of the selected viewport. | |
ChangeEmphasisSettingsTool | Changes the selected viewport's emphasis settings. | |
ChangeFlashSettingsTool | Changes the FlashSettings for the selected Viewport. | |
ChangeHiliteModeTool | Changes the ModelSubCategoryHiliteMode for the HiliteSet associated with the selected Viewport. | |
ChangeHiliteSettingsTool | Changes the selected viewport's hilite settings, or resets to defaults. | |
ChangeHiliteTool | Changes the selected viewport's hilite or emphasis settings. | |
ChangePlanProjectionSettingsTool | Changes plan projection settings for one or more models. | |
ChangeUnitsTool | Controls whether quantities are formatted using imperial or metric units. | |
ChangeViewFlagsTool | Modifies the selected viewport's ViewFlags. | |
ClearEmphasizedElementsTool | Reset EmphasizeElements for the active Viewport. | |
ClearIsolatedElementsTool | Clear the set of isolated elements. | |
ClearModelAppearanceOverrides | clear model appearance overrides in display style. | |
ClearRealityModelAppearanceOverrides | Clear reality model appearance override in display style. | |
ClipColorTool | This tool specifies or un-specifies a clip color to use for pixels inside or outside the clip region. | |
ClipIntersectionTool | This tool specifies or un-specifies a color and width to use for pixels within the specified width of a clip plane. | |
CompileShadersTool | Compiles all registered shader programs for which compilation has not already been attempted. | |
DefaultTileSizeModifierTool | Sets the default tile size modifier used for all viewports that don't explicitly override it. | |
DetachMapLayersTool | Detach Map Layers Tool. | |
DetachRealityModelTool | Detach reality model from display style. | |
DisplayStyleTool | Modifies the selected viewport's DisplayStyleState. | |
DumpPlanProjectionSettingsTool | Dumps a JSON representation of the plan projection settings for the current viewport. | |
DumpSelectionSetTool | A tool that outputs the Ids of the elements in the SelectionSet of the IModelConnection associated with the selected Viewport. | |
ElementIdFromSourceAspectIdTool | Given the Id of an element in the iModel, output the source aspect Id of the object in the source document from which the element originated. | |
EmphasizeElementsTool | Applies the EmphasizeElements API in some way to the selected Viewport. |
EmphasizeSelectedElementsTool | If any elements are selected, emphasize them all by overriding their color to be orange; and de-emphasize all other elements by drawing them transparent grey. | |
EmphasizeVisibleElementsTool | Emphasize the set of elements currently visible in the view based on Viewport.queryVisibleFeatures. | |
FadeOutTool | Enables or disables fade-out transparency mode for the selected viewport. | |
FreezeSceneTool | Freeze or unfreeze the scene for the selected viewport. | |
FrustumDecorator | Decorates the viewport with a graphical depiction of a Frustum. | |
InspectElementTool | Creates a readable text summary of a geometric element or geometry part. | |
IsolateSelectedElementsTool | Isolate all selected elements so that only those elements will be drawn. | |
LoseWebGLContextTool | Forces webgl context loss. | |
MapBaseColorTool | This tool changes the color of the base map. | |
MapBaseTransparencyTool | This tool changes the transparency of the base map. | |
MapBaseVisibilityTool | This tool changes the visibility of the base map. | |
MapLayerSubLayerVisibilityTool | This tool sets the visibility of the map sublayer. | |
MapLayerTransparencyTool | This tool sets the transparency of a map layer. | |
MapLayerVisibilityTool | This tool sets the visibility of the map layer. | |
MapLayerZoomTool | This tool changes the viewport so it is zoomed to the range of a map layer. | |
MaskBackgroundMapByElementTool | Tool to mask background map by elements | |
MaskBackgroundMapByExcludedElementTool | Tool to mask background map by excluded elements | |
MaskBackgroundMapByModelTool | Tool to mask background map by geometric models | |
MaskBackgroundMapBySubCategoryTool | Tool to mask background map by SubCategories | |
MaskRealityModelByElementTool | Tool to mask reality model by elements | |
MaskRealityModelByExcludedElementTool | Tool to mask reality model by excluded elements | |
MaskRealityModelByModelTool | Tool to mask reality model by geometric models | |
MaskRealityModelBySubCategoryTool | Tool to mask reality model by SubCategories | |
MeasureTileLoadTimeTool | Unloads all tile trees, then starts a timer that stops when all tile trees and tiles required for the view are ready. | |
OverrideSubCategoryPriorityTool | Changes subcategory display priority. | |
OverrideSubCategoryTool | Apply appearance overrides to one or more subcategories in the active viewport. | |
PlanarMaskBaseTool | Base class for the reality model planar masking tools. | |
ProjectExtentsDecoration | ||
QueryScheduleScriptTool | Query the schedule script JSON from an element. | |
RealityTransitionTool | This tool applies a transition in X, Y, Z, or transparency. | |
RenderSystemDebugControlTool | Executes some code against a RenderSystemDebugControl obtained from the IModelApp's RenderSystem. | |
RenderTargetDebugControlToggleTool | Toggles some aspect of a RenderTargetDebugControl for the selected viewport. | |
RenderTargetDebugControlTool | Executes some code against a RenderTargetDebugControl obtained from the selected viewport. | |
ReorderMapLayers | This tool reorders map layers. | |
ReportWebGLCompatibilityTool | Queries the client's level of compatibility with the rendering system and outputs it to NotificationManager. | |
ReverseScheduleScriptTool | A tool that modifies the RenderSchedule.Script, if any, associated with the selected Viewport such that the entries in each | |
SaveRealityModelTool | This tool saves a reality model's JSON representation to the system clipboard. | |
SaveRenderingStyleTool | Outputs (and optionally copies to the clipboard) a "rendering style" as a partial DisplayStyle3dSettingsProps JSON object based | |
SaveViewTool | Copies a JSON representation of the active viewport's view to the clipboard. | |
SelectElementsByIdTool | Replaces the contents of the selection set with the set of element Ids specified. | |
SetAASamplesTool | Set the number of antialiasing samples to use (<=1 for no antialiasing). | |
SetAspectRatioSkewTool | This tool sets the aspect ratio skew for the selected viewport. | |
SetGpuMemoryLimitTool | Adjust the value of TileAdmin.gpuMemoryLimit. | |
SetHigherPriorityRealityModelMasking | Tool to mask reality model by higher priority models. | |
SetMapBaseTool | Sets map layer base tool. | |
SetMapHigherPriorityMasking | Set Map Masking by selected models. | |
SetModelColorTool | Set model appearance override for color in display style. | |
SetModelEmphasizedTool | Set model appearance override for emphasized in display style. | |
SetModelIgnoresMaterialsTool | Set model appearance override for ignoreMaterials in display style. | |
SetModelLineCodeTool | Set model appearance override for line code in display style. | |
SetModelLineWeightTool | Set model appearance override for line weight in display style. | |
SetModelLocateTool | Set model appearance override for nonLocatable in display style. | |
SetModelTransparencyTool | Set model appearance override for transparency in display style. | |
SetRealityModelColorTool | Set reality model appearance override for color in display style. | |
SetRealityModelEmphasizedTool | Set reality model appearance override for emphasized in display style. | |
SetRealityModelLocateTool | Set reality model appearance override for locatable in display style. | |
SetRealityModelTransparencyTool | Set reality model appearance override for transparency in display style. | |
SetScheduleScriptTool | A tool that changes or removes the RenderSchedule.Script associated with the selected Viewport. | |
ShowTileVolumesTool | Set the tile bounding volume decorations to display in the selected viewport. | |
SkyCubeTool | Defines a SkyCube to apply to the current view. | |
SkySphereTool | Defines a SkySphere to apply to the current view. | |
SourceAspectIdFromElementIdTool | Given a source aspect Id, output the Id of the corresponding element in the iModel. | |
SourceAspectIdTool | Base class for a tool that can convert between source aspect Ids and element Ids. | |
TestClipStyleTool | Simple tool that toggles a hard-coded clip style overriding various aspects of the cut geometry appearance. | |
Toggle3dManipulationsTool | Changes the allow3dManipulations flag for the selected viewport if the viewport is displaying a ViewState3d . |
ToggleDPIForLODTool | Toggles whether or not device pixel ratio should be taken into account when computing LOD for tiles and decoration graphics. | |
ToggleDrapeFrustumTool | Turn on the display of the draping frustum. | |
ToggleDrawingGraphicsTool | Toggles display of 2d graphics in a DrawingViewState. | |
ToggleFrustumSnapshotTool | Enable ("ON"), disable ("OFF"), or toggle ("TOGGLE" or omitted) the FrustumDecorator. | |
ToggleMaskFrustumTool | Turn on the display of the planar mask frustum. | |
ToggleNormalMaps | Toggles support for normal maps. | |
ToggleOSMBuildingDisplay | Turn on/off display of OpenStreetMap buildings | |
TogglePrimitiveVisibilityTool | Control whether all geometry renders, or only instanced or batched geometry. | |
ToggleProjectExtentsTool | Enable or disable project extents decoration. | |
ToggleReadPixelsTool | Toggles between normal rendering and rendering as if drawing to an off-screen framebuffer for element locate. | |
ToggleRealityTileBounds | Turn on display of reality tile boundaries. | |
ToggleRealityTileFreeze | Freeze loading of reality tiles. | |
ToggleRealityTileLogging | Turn on logging of console tile selection and loading (to console). | |
ToggleRealityTilePreload | Turn on display of reality tile preload debugging. | |
ToggleSectionCutTool | Controls a view state's view details' flag for producing cut geometry for a clip style. | |
ToggleSectionDrawingSpatialViewTool | Toggles whether a SectionDrawing's spatial view is always displayed along with the 2d graphics by a DrawingViewState, even | |
ToggleSelectedViewFrustumTool | Enable ("ON"), disable ("OFF"), or toggle ("TOGGLE" or omitted) the selected view frustum decoration. | |
ToggleShadowFrustumTool | Toggle visualization of the selected viewport's shadow frustum in all other viewports. | |
ToggleSkyboxTool | Toggles the skybox. | |
ToggleTerrainTool | This tool toggles whether to apply terrain heights to the map. | |
ToggleTileRequestDecorationTool | Display in every viewport a range graphic for every tile currently being requested for the viewport that was initially selected when the decorator was installed. | |
ToggleTileTreeBoundsDecorationTool | Display in every viewport a green range graphic for each displayed tile tree, plus a red range graphic for each tile tree's content range if defined. | |
ToggleTileTreeReferencesTool | Sets or unsets or flips the deactivated state of one or more tile tree references within the selected viewport. | |
ToggleToolTipsTool | Replaces the default tooltips displayed when mousing over elements to instead display information useful for debugging, including | |
ToggleViewAttachmentBoundariesTool | Toggle display of view attachment boundaries in sheet views. | |
ToggleViewAttachmentClipShapesTool | Toggle display of view attachment clip shapes in sheet views. | |
ToggleViewAttachmentsTool | Toggles display of view attachments in sheet views. | |
ToggleVolClassIntersect | Toggles support for intersecting volume classifiers. | |
ToggleWiremeshTool | Toggle whether surfaces display with overlaid wiremesh in the active viewport. | |
UnmaskMapTool | Unmask Mask. | |
UnmaskRealityModelTool | Remove masks from reality model. | |
ViewportAddRealityModel | This tool adds a reality model to the viewport. | |
ViewportTileSizeModifierTool | Sets or clears the tile size modifier override for the selected viewport. | |
ViewportToggleTool | Base class for a tool that toggles some aspect of a Viewport. | |
WoWIgnoreBackgroundTool | Set whether background color is ignored when applying white-on-white reversal. |
Global Functions
Name | Description | |
deserializeViewState | Instantiate a ViewState serialized by [serializeViewState]. | |
parseArgs | Given a list of arguments, parse the arguments into name-value pairs. | |
serializeViewState | Serialize a ViewState to JSON. | |
toggleProjectExtents | Enable or disable the project extents decoration. |
Name | Description | |
ToolArgs | Represents parsed arguments as name-value pairs. |
Last Updated: 10 December, 2024
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