HiliteSet Class

A set of hilited elements for an IModelConnection, by element id. Hilited elements are displayed with a customizable hilite effect within a Viewport. The set exposes 3 types of elements in 3 separate collections: GeometricElement, GeometricModel, and SubCategory. The models and subcategories can be hilited independently or as an intersection of the two sets, as specified by modelSubCategoryMode.

Technically, the hilite effect is applied to Features, not Elements. An element's geometry stream can contain multiple features belonging to different subcategories.

Because Javascript lacks efficient support for 64-bit integers, the Ids are stored as pairs of 32-bit integers via Id64.Uint32Set.

@note Typically, elements are hilited by virtue of their presence in the IModelConnection's SelectionSet. The HiliteSet allows additional elements to be displayed with the hilite effect without adding them to the SelectionSet. If you add elements to the HiliteSet directly, you are also responsible for removing them as appropriate.

@see - hilited for the HiliteSet associated with an iModel.


Name Description
constructor(iModel: IModelConnection, syncWithSelectionSet: booleantrue): HiliteSet Construct a HiliteSet  
add(additions: SelectableIds): void Adds a collection of geometric element, model and subcategory ids to this hilite set.  
clear(): void Remove all elements from the hilited set.  
remove(removals: SelectableIds): void Removes a collection of geometric element, model and subcategory ids from this hilite set.  
replace(ids: SelectableIds): void Replaces ids currently in the hilite set with the given collection.  
setHilite(arg: Id64Arg, onOff: boolean): void Toggle the hilited state of one or more elements. Deprecated  


Name Type Description
elements Readonly Id64.Uint32Set The set of hilited elements.  
iModel IModelConnection The iModel containing the entities to be hilited.  
isEmpty Accessor ReadOnly boolean Returns true if nothing is hilited.  
models Readonly Id64.Uint32Set The set of hilited GeometricModelStates.  
modelSubCategoryMode Accessor ModelSubCategoryHiliteMode Controls how the sets of hilited models and subcategories interact with one another.  
onModelSubCategoryModeChanged Readonly BeEvent<(newMode: ModelSubCategoryHiliteMode) => void> Event raised just before changing the value of modelSubCategoryMode.  
subcategories Readonly Id64.Uint32Set The set of hilited subcategories.  
wantSyncWithSelectionSet Accessor boolean Control whether the hilite set will be synchronized with the contents of the SelectionSet.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025