
Core Tool definitions


Name Description  
CoreTools Utility Class that provides definitions of tools provided by the core-frontend core. Deprecated
FrameworkToolAdmin Subclass of ToolAdmin in @itwin/core-frontend to be used to initialize IModelApp.  
HideIsolateEmphasizeActionHandler Interface for class that handles Hide, Isolate, and Emphasize Actions  
HideIsolateEmphasizeManager Provides helper functions for doing commands on logical selection like categories and subjects.  
RestoreAllFrontstagesTool Immediate tool that will reset the layout of all frontstages to that specified in the stage definition.  
RestoreFrontstageLayoutTool Immediate tool that will reset the layout to that specified in the stage definition.  
SelectionContextToolDefinitions Utility Class that provides definitions for tools dependent on current selection. Deprecated


Name Description  
HideIsolateEmphasizeAction Supported Hide, Isolate, and Emphasize Actions.  
KeyinFieldLocalization Controls whether localized and/or non-localized key-in strings appear in a KeyinField's auto-completion list.  

Global Functions

Name Description  
areNoFeatureOverridesActive Return ConditionalBooleanValue object used to show items if selection set is active. Deprecated
featureOverridesActiveStateFunc Return state with isVisible set to true is SectionSet is active. Deprecated
getFeatureOverrideSyncEventIds Return SyncEventIds that trigger selection state function refresh. Deprecated
getIsHiddenIfFeatureOverridesActive Return ConditionalBooleanValue object used to show item if feature overrides are active. Deprecated
getIsHiddenIfSelectionNotActive Return ConditionalBooleanValue object used to show items if selection set is active. Deprecated
getSelectionContextSyncEventIds Return SyncEventIds that trigger selection state function refresh. Deprecated
isNoSelectionActive Return SyncEventIds that trigger selection state function refresh. Deprecated
selectionContextStateFunc Return state with isVisible set to true is SectionSet is active. Deprecated


Name Description  
EmphasizeElementsChangedArgs Selection Context Action Event Argument  
KeyinEntry Defines a keyin entry to show/filter in UI  


Name Description  
ToolbarItems Helper namespace to create commonly used toolbar items.  

Last Updated: 17 June, 2024