

Name Description
AnnotationElement2d 2d element used to annotate drawings and sheets.
AuxCoordSystem An auxiliary coordinate system element.
AuxCoordSystem2d A 2d auxiliary coordinate system.
AuxCoordSystem3d A 3d auxiliary coordinate system.
AuxCoordSystemSpatial A spatial auxiliary coordinate system.
BisCoreSchema The BisCore schema is the lowest level Schema in an iModel.
BriefcaseDb A local copy of an iModel from iModelHub that can pull and potentially push changesets.
BriefcaseManager Manages downloading Briefcases and downloading and uploading changesets.
Callout A graphical DetailingSymbol that calls out a reference to another drawing.
Category A Category element is the target of the category member of GeometricElement.
CategoryOwnsSubCategories Relates a parent Category to SubCategory child elements.
CategorySelector Holds a list of Ids of Categories to be displayed in a view.
ChangesetECAdaptor Transform sqlite change to ec change.
ChangeSummaryManager Class to extract Change Summaries for a briefcase.
ClassRegistry Maintains the mapping between the name of a BIS ECClass (in "schema:class" format) and the JavaScript Entity class that implements it.
CodeSpecs Manages CodeSpecs within an IModelDb
DefinitionContainer A DefinitionContainer exclusively owns a set of DefinitionElements contained within its sub-model (of type DefinitionModel).
DefinitionElement A Definition Element holds configuration-related information that is meant to be referenced / shared.
DefinitionGroup A non-exclusive set of DefinitionElements grouped using the DefinitionGroupGroupsDefinitions relationship.
DefinitionGroupGroupsDefinitions Relates a DefinitionGroup to its DefinitionElement members.
DefinitionModel A container for persisting definition elements.
DefinitionPartition A DefinitionPartition element establishes a Definition modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
DefinitionSet This abstract class unifies DefinitionGroup and DefinitionContainer for relationship endpoint purposes.
DetailCallout A graphical Callout that references a detail drawing.
DetailingSymbol A graphical detailing symbol that is placed on a Drawing or Sheet.
DictionaryModel The singleton container for repository-specific definition elements.
DisplayStyle A DisplayStyle defines the parameters for 'styling' the contents of a view.
DisplayStyle2d A DisplayStyle for 2d views.
DisplayStyle3d A DisplayStyle for 3d views.
Document An InformationContentElement that identifies the content of a document.
DocumentListModel Contains a list of document elements.
DocumentPartition A DocumentPartition element establishes a Document modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
Drawing A document that represents a drawing, that is, a two-dimensional graphical representation of engineering data.
DrawingCategory Categorizes 2d GeometricElements.
DrawingGraphic 2d element used to persist graphics for use in drawings.
DrawingGraphicRepresentsElement Relates a DrawingGraphic to the Element that it represents
DrawingGraphicRepresentsFunctionalElement Relates a DrawingGraphic to the FunctionalElement that it represents
DrawingModel A 2d model that holds DrawingGraphics.
DrawingViewDefinition Defines a view of a DrawingModel.
DriverBundleElement Element used in conjunction with bis:ElementDrivesElement relationships to bundle multiple inputs before
ECDb An ECDb file
ECSchemaXmlContext Context used when deserializing a Schema from an XML file.
ECSqlBinder Binds a value to an ECSQL parameter.
ECSqlInsertResult The result of an ECSQL INSERT statement as returned from ECSqlStatement.stepForInsert.
ECSqlStatement Executes ECSQL statements.
ECSqlValue Value of a column in a row of an ECSQL query result.
ECSqlValueIterator Iterator over members of a struct ECSqlValue or the elements of an array ECSqlValue.
Element The smallest individually identifiable building block for modeling the real world in an iModel.
ElementAspect An Element Aspect is a class that defines a set of properties that are related to (and owned by) a single element.
ElementDrivesElement A Relationship indicating that one Element drives another Element.
ElementEncapsulatesElements Relates a parent Element to child Elements which represent hidden parts of the Entity.
ElementGroupsMembers An ElementRefersToElements relationship where one Element groups a set of other Elements.
ElementMultiAspect An Element Multi-Aspect is an ElementAspect where there can be n instances of the Element Aspect class per Element.
ElementOwnsChildElements Relates a parent Element to child Elements which represent parts of the Entity modeled by the parent Element.
ElementOwnsExternalSourceAspects Relates an Element and an ExternalSourceAspect that it owns.
ElementOwnsMultiAspects Relates an Element and an ElementMultiAspect that it owns.
ElementOwnsUniqueAspect Relates an Element and an ElementUniqueAspect that it owns.
ElementRefersToElements A Relationship where one Element refers to another Element
ElementSubTreeDeleter Performs a breadth-first search to visit elements in top-down order.
ElementTreeBottomUp Does a depth-first search on the tree defined by an element and its sub-models and children.
ElementTreeDeleter Deletes an entire element tree, including sub-models and child elements.
ElementTreeWalkerScope Records the path that a tree search took to reach an element or model.
ElementUniqueAspect An Element Unique Aspect is an ElementAspect where there can be only zero or one instance of the Element Aspect class per Element.
ElevationCallout A graphical Callout that references an elevation drawing.
An information element that links to an embedded file.
Entity Represents one of the fundamental building block in an IModelDb: as an Element, Model, or Relationship.
ExportGraphicsMeshVisitor * Iterator to walk the facets of an ExportGraphicsMesh and present them to the world as if visiting a Polyface.
ExternalSource An ExternalSource refers to an 'information container' found in a repository.
ExternalSourceAspect An ElementMultiAspect that stores synchronization information for an Element originating from an external source.
ExternalSourceAttachment Attachment of an ExternalSource
ExternalSourceAttachmentAttachesSource Relates an ExternalSource to the RepositoryLink that it is persisted in.
ExternalSourceGroup A group of ExternalSources that are collectively a source of information for one or more elements.
ExternalSourceGroupGroupsSources Relates an ExternalSourceGroup to its ExternalSource members.
ExternalSourceIsInRepository Relates an ExternalSource to the RepositoryLink that it is persisted in.
ExternalSourceOwnsAttachments Relates a parent ExternalSource to its ExternalSourceAttachment children.
FileNameResolver Extend this class to provide custom file name resolution behavior. Deprecated
FolderContainsRepositories Relates a parent FolderLink to its RepositoryLink children.
FunctionalBreakdownElement A FunctionalBreakdownElement is a folder node in the functional hierarchy.
FunctionalComponentElement A FunctionalComponentElement is a leaf node in the functional hierarchy.
FunctionalElement A FunctionalElement captures functional requirements that will ultimately be fulfilled by a PhysicalElement.
FunctionalElementIsOfType Relates a FunctionalElement to its FunctionalType
FunctionalModel A container for persisting FunctionalElements.
FunctionalPartition A FunctionalPartition element is a key part of the iModel information hierarchy and is always parented
FunctionalType Defines a set of properties (the 'type') that can be associated with a Functional Element.
GenericDocument The Generic:Document class is used when a document cannot be further classified.
GenericGraphicalModel3d A generic container for persisting BisCore:GraphicalElement3d instances.
GenericGraphicalType2d The Generic:GraphicalType2d class is used when graphical types cannot be further classified.
GenericPhysicalMaterial The Generic:PhysicalMaterial class is used when the physical material cannot be further classified.
GenericPhysicalType The Generic:PhysicalType class is used when the physical type cannot be further classified.
GeometricElement An abstract base class to model real world entities that intrinsically have geometry.
GeometricElement2d An abstract base class to model information entities that intrinsically have 2d geometry.
GeometricElement2dHasTypeDefinition Relates a GeometricElement2d to its TypeDefinitionElement
GeometricElement3d An abstract base class to model real world entities that intrinsically have 3d geometry.
GeometricElement3dHasTypeDefinition Relates a GeometricElement3d to its TypeDefinitionElement
GeometricModel A container for persisting geometric elements.
GeometricModel2d A container for persisting 2d geometric elements.
GeometricModel3d A container for persisting 3d geometric elements.
GeometryPart A Definition Element that specifies a collection of geometry that is meant to be reused across Geometric
Graphic3d The Generic:Graphic3d class is used when 3D graphics cannot be further classified.
GraphicalElement2d An abstract base class for 2d Geometric Elements that are used to convey information within graphical presentations (like drawings).
GraphicalElement2dIsOfType Relates a GraphicalElement2d to its GraphicalType2d
GraphicalElement3d A 3d Graphical Element
GraphicalElement3dRepresentsElement Relates a GraphicalElement3d to the Element that it represents
GraphicalModel2d A container for persisting 2d graphical elements.
GraphicalModel3d A container for persisting GraphicalElement3d instances.
GraphicalPartition3d A GraphicalPartition3d element establishes a 3D Graphical modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
GraphicalType2d Defines a set of properties (the type) that can be associated with a 2D Graphical Element.
Group The Generic:Group class is used when the group cannot be further classified.
GroupImpartsToMembers Represents group membership where the group Element (and its properties) impart information about the member Elements above mere membership.
GroupInformationElement Group Information is an abstract base class for modeling entities whose main purpose is to reference a group of related elements.
GroupInformationModel A container for persisting group information elements.
GroupInformationPartition A GroupInformationPartition element establishes a Group Information modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
GroupModel A generic container for BisCore:GroupInformationElement instances.
IModelDb An iModel database file.
IModelElementCloneContext The context for transforming a source Element to a target Element and remapping internal identifiers to the target iModel.
IModelHost IModelHost initializes core-backend and captures its configuration.
IModelHostConfiguration Configuration of core-backend.
IModelJsFs File system operations that are defined on all platforms.
IModelJsFsStats Information about a file.
InformationContentElement Information Content Element is an abstract base class for modeling pure information entities.
InformationModel A container for persisting information elements.
InformationPartitionElement An abstract base class for elements that establishes a particular modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
InformationRecordElement Information Record Element is an abstract base class for modeling information records.
InformationRecordModel A container for persisting Information Record Elements
InformationRecordPartition An InformationRecordPartition element establishes a Information Record modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
InformationReferenceElement Information Reference is an abstract base class for modeling entities whose main purpose is to reference something else.
IpcHandler Base class for all implementations of an Ipc interface.
IpcHost Used by applications that have a dedicated backend.
KnownLocations Well known directories that may be used by the application.
LineStyle The definition element for a line style
LinkElement An information element that specifies a link.
LinkModel A container for persisting link elements.
LinkPartition A LinkPartition element establishes a Link modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
LockConflict Exception thrown if lock cannot be acquired.
Model A Model is a container for persisting a collection of related elements within an iModel.
ModelSelector Holds the list of Ids of GeometricModels displayed by a SpatialViewDefinition.
NativeAppStorage A local file stored in the appSettingsCacheDir for storing key/value pairs.
NativeHost Backend for desktop/mobile native applications
OrthographicViewDefinition Defines a spatial view that displays geometry on the image plane using a parallel orthographic projection.
PartialECChangeUnifier Combine partial changed instance into single instance.
PhysicalElement An Element that is spatially located, has mass, and can be touched.
PhysicalElementAssemblesElements Relates a parent PhysicalElement to PhysicalElement children that it assembles.
PhysicalElementFulfillsFunction Relates a PhysicalElement to the FunctionalElement elements that it fulfills.
PhysicalElementIsOfPhysicalMaterial Relates a PhysicalElement to its PhysicalMaterial
PhysicalElementIsOfType Relates a PhysicalElement to its PhysicalType
PhysicalMaterial A PhysicalMaterial defines the matter that makes up physical elements.
PhysicalModel A container for persisting physical elements that model physical space.
PhysicalObject The Generic:PhysicalObject class is used when physical elements cannot be further classified.
PhysicalPartition A PhysicalPartition element establishes a Physical modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
PhysicalType Defines a set of properties (the type) that can be associated with a Physical Element.
PhysicalTypeIsOfPhysicalMaterial Relates a PhysicalType to its PhysicalMaterial
PlanCallout A graphical Callout that references a plan drawing.
Platform Information about the platform on which the app is running.
RecipeDefinitionElement Defines a recipe for generating instances from a definition.
Relationship Base class for all link table ECRelationships
Relationships Manages Relationships.
RenderMaterialElement Defines a rendering material.
RenderMaterialOwnsRenderMaterials Relates a parent RenderMaterial to RenderMaterial child elements.
RenderTimeline Describes how to animate a view of a GeometricModel to show change over time using a RenderSchedule.Script.
An information element that links to a repository.
RepositoryModel The singleton container of repository-related information elements.
RoleElement A real world entity is modeled as a Role Element when a set of external circumstances define an important
RoleModel A container for persisting role elements.
RpcTrace Utility for tracing Rpc activity processing.
Schema Base class for all schema classes - see working with schemas and elements in TypeScript.
Schemas Manages registered schemas
SectionCallout A graphical Callout that references a section drawing.
SectionDrawing A document that represents a section drawing, that is, a graphical documentation derived from a planar
SectionDrawingLocation A SectionDrawingLocation element identifies the location of a SectionDrawing in the context of a SpatialModel,
SectionDrawingModel A container for persisting section DrawingGraphics.
Sheet A digital representation of a sheet of paper.
SheetBorderTemplate The template for a SheetBorder
SheetIndex A structured collection of SheetIndexEntrys.
SheetIndexEntry The base class for all elements that can participate in a SheetIndex hierarchy.
SheetIndexFolder A container used to group SheetIndexEntrys within a SheetIndex.
SheetIndexFolderOwnsEntries Relates a SheetIndexFolder to the SheetIndexEntry's that it contains.
SheetIndexModel A sub-model of a SheetIndexPartition serving as a container for persisting SheetIndexEntry and SheetIndex elements.
SheetIndexOwnsEntries Relates a SheetIndex to the [SheetIndexEntry]]'s that it contains.
SheetIndexPartition A SheetIndexPartition element establishes a SheetIndex modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
SheetIndexReference A node within one SheetIndex that incorporates another SheetIndex as a sub-tree.
SheetIndexReferenceRefersToSheetIndex Relates a SheetIndexReference to a SheetIndex it refers.
SheetModel A container for persisting ViewAttachments and DrawingGraphics.
SheetReference A leaf node in a SheetIndex that refers to a specific Sheet.
SheetReferenceRefersToSheet Relates a SheetReference and Sheet that it refers.
SheetTemplate The template for a Sheet
SheetViewDefinition Defines a view of a SheetModel.
SnapshotDb A snapshot iModel database file that is used for archival and data transfer purposes.
SpatialCategory Categorizes SpatialElements.
SpatialElement An Element that occupies real world space.
SpatialLocation The Generic:SpatialLocation class is used when spatial locations cannot be further classified.
SpatialLocationElement Identifies a tracked real world location but has no mass and cannot be touched.
SpatialLocationIsOfType Relates a SpatialLocationElement to its SpatialLocationType
SpatialLocationModel A container for persisting spatial location elements.
SpatialLocationPartition A SpatialLocationPartition element establishes a SpatialLocation modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
SpatialLocationType Defines a set of properties (the type) that can be associated with a spatial location.
SpatialModel A container for persisting 3d geometric elements that are spatially located.
SpatialViewDefinition Defines a view of one or more SpatialModels.
SqliteChangesetReader Read raw sqlite changeset from disk and enumerate changes.
SQLiteDb A "generic" SQLiteDb.
SqliteStatement Executes SQLite SQL statements.
SqliteValue Value of a column in a row of an SQLite SQL query result.
StandaloneDb Standalone iModels are read/write files that are not associated with an iTwin or managed by iModelHub.
SubCategory Defines the appearance for graphics in Geometric elements
Subject A Subject is an information element that describes what this repository (or part thereof) is about.
SubjectOwnsPartitionElements Relates a parent Subject to InformationPartitionElement child elements.
SubjectOwnsSubjects Relates a parent Subject to Subject child elements.
Link to the Configuration for an iModel Synchronization Job
SynchronizationConfigProcessesSources Relates a SynchronizationConfigLink to N ExternalSource instances.
SynchronizationConfigSpecifiesRootSources Relates a SynchronizationConfigLink to root ExternalSource instances.
TemplateRecipe2d A recipe that uses a 2D template for creating new instances.
TemplateRecipe3d A TemplateRecipe3d is a DefinitionElement that has a sub-model that contains the 3d template elements.
TextAnnotation2d An element that displays textual content within a 2d model.
TextAnnotation3d An element that displays textual content within a 3d model.
Texture Defines a rendering texture that is associated with a Material and applied to surface geometry.
TileStorage Facilitates interaction with cloud tile cache.
TitleText A graphical DetailingSymbol that contains title text.
TxnManager Manages local changes to a BriefcaseDb or StandaloneDb via Txns
TypeDefinitionElement Defines a set of properties (the type) that may be associated with an element.
An information element that specifies a URL link.
VersionedSqliteDb Abstract base class for a SQLite database that has RequiredVersionRanges stored in it.
ViewAttachment Represents an attachment of a ViewDefinition to a Sheet.
ViewAttachmentLabel A graphical DetailingSymbol that contains a view attachment label.
ViewDefinition The definition element for a view.
ViewDefinition2d Defines a view of a single 2d model.
ViewDefinition3d Defines a view of one or more 3d models.
VolumeElement A Volume Element is a Spatial Location Element that is restricted to defining a volume.
WebMercatorModel Obtains and displays multi-resolution tiled raster organized according to the WebMercator tiling system.


Name Description
IModelCloneContext Deprecated


Name Description
BackendLoggerCategory Logger categories used by this package
ECDbOpenMode Modes for how to open ECDb files.
LockState The state of a lock. Deprecated
ProgressStatus Return value from ProgressFunction.
SqliteValueType Data type of a value in in an SQLite SQL query result.

Global Functions

Name Description
computeGraphemeOffsets Computes the range from the start of a RunLayoutResult to the trailing edge of each grapheme.
computeLayoutTextBlockResult Gets the result of laying out the the contents of a TextBlock into a series of lines containing runs.
convertEC2SchemasToEC3Schemas Converts EC2 Xml ECSchema(s).
deleteElementSubTrees Deletes all element sub-trees that are selected by the supplied filter.
deleteElementTree Deletes an element tree starting with the specified top element.
getAvailableCoordinateReferenceSystems Get a list of Geographic Coordinate Reference Systems.
imageBufferFromImageSource Decode a BinaryImageSource into an ImageBuffer.
imageSourceFromImageBuffer Encode an ImageBuffer into a BinaryImageSource.
produceTextAnnotationGeometry Produce a geometric representation of a text annotation, with the annotation's anchor point at the origin.
upgradeCustomAttributesToEC3 Converts schema metadata to EC3 concepts by traversing custom attributes of the supplied schema and calling converters based on schemaName:customAttributeName


Name Description
AcquireNewBriefcaseIdArg Argument for acquiring a new BriefcaseId
AvailableCoordinateReferenceSystemProps Describes a geographic coordinate reference system produced by getAvailableCoordinateReferenceSystems.
BackendHubAccess Methods for accessing services of IModelHub from an iTwin.js backend.
BriefcaseDbArg Argument for methods that must supply a briefcaseId and a changeset
BriefcaseIdArg Argument for methods that must supply an IModelId and a BriefcaseId
ChangedECInstance Represent EC change derived from low level sqlite change
ChangeFormatArgs Format option when converting change from array to column/value object.
ChangeInstanceKey Represents a change (insertion, deletion, or modification) to a single EC instance made in a local BriefcaseDb.
Record meta data for the change.
ChangesetArg Argument for methods that must supply an IModelId and a changeset
ChangesetRangeArg Argument for methods that must supply an IModelId and a range of Changesets.
ChangeSummary Represents an instance of the ChangeSummary ECClass from the ECDbChange ECSchema
ChannelControl Controls which channels of an iModel are permitted for write operations.
CheckpointProps Properties of a checkpoint
CloudContainerArgs Augments a SnapshotDbOpenArgs or OpenBriefcaseArgs with a CloudContainer.
ComputedProjectExtents The result of computeProjectExtents.
ComputeGraphemeOffsetsArgs Arguments supplied to computeGraphemeOffsets.
ComputeProjectExtentsOptions Options supplied to computeProjectExtents.
CreateChangeSummaryArgs Options for ChangeSummaryManager.createChangeSummaries.
CreateFontFileFromShxBlobArgs Arguments supplied to createFromShxFontBlob.
CreateNewIModelProps Arguments to create a new iModel in iModelHub
CreateNewWorkspaceContainerArgs Arguments supplied to createNewCloudContainer to create a new EditableWorkspaceContainer.
CreateNewWorkspaceDbVersionArgs Arguments supplied to createNewWorkspaceDbVersion.
DeleteElementTreeArgs Arguments supplied to deleteElementTree.
DisplayStyleCreationOptions Describes initial settings for a new DisplayStyle3d.
DownloadChangesetArg Argument for downloading a changeset.
DownloadChangesetRangeArg Argument for downloading a changeset range.
DownloadProgressArg Argument for cancelling and tracking download progress.
ECEnumValue Represents the value of an ECEnumeration.
ECSqlColumnInfo Information about an ECSQL column in an ECSQL query result.
ECSqlRowArg Arguments supplied to ECSqlStatement.getRow.
EditableWorkspaceContainer A WorkspaceContainer opened for editing by a WorkspaceEditor.
EditableWorkspaceDb An editable WorkspaceDb.
ElementDrivesElementProps Properties that are common to all types of ElementDrivesElements
ElementGroupsMembersProps Properties that are common to all types of link table ECRelationships
EmbedFontFileArgs Arguments supplied to embedFontFile.
ExportGraphicsInfo Info provided to ExportGraphicsFunction about graphics.
ExportGraphicsLines A collection of line segments, suitable for direct use with graphics APIs.
ExportGraphicsMesh A triangulated mesh with unified indices, suitable for direct use with graphics APIs.
ExportGraphicsOptions Parameters for IModelDb.exportGraphics
ExportLinesInfo Info provided to ExportLinesFunction about linework graphics.
ExportPartDisplayInfo Information about the base display properties when a GeometryPart was
ExportPartGraphicsOptions Parameters for IModelDb.exportPartGraphics
ExportPartInfo Info provided to ExportPartFunction about graphics.
ExportPartInstanceInfo Information about references to GeometryPart elements found during
ExportPartLinesInfo Info provided to ExportPartFunction about line graphics.
ExportSchemaArgs Arguments supplied to exportSchema specifying which ECSchema to write to what location on the local file system.
FontFile A container for one or more font faces, often originating as a file on disk.
GetAvailableCoordinateReferenceSystemsArgs Arguments supplied to getAvailableCoordinateReferenceSystems.
GetWorkspaceContainerArgs Arguments supplied to getContainer and getContainer.
GetWorkspaceResourceArgs Arguments supplied to getStringResource and WOrkspace.getBlobResource.
ImageBufferFromImageSourceArgs Arguments supplied to imageBufferFromImageSource.
ImageSourceFromImageBufferArgs Arguments supplied to imageSourceFromImageBuffer.
IModelDbFonts Provides read-write access to the font-related information stored in an IModelDb.
IModelHostOptions Options for startup
IModelIdArg Argument for methods that must supply an IModelId
IModelNameArg Argument for methods that must supply an IModel name and iTwinId
InlineGeometryPartsResult The output of inlineGeometryParts.
InsertElementOptions Options supposed to IModelDb.Elements.insertElement.
InstanceChange Represents an instance of the InstanceChange ECClass from the ECDbChange ECSchema
IpcHostOpts Options for startup
ITwinIdArg Argument for methods that must supply an iTwinId
LayoutTextBlockArgs Arguments supplied to computeLayoutTextBlockResult.
LockControl Interface for acquiring element locks to coordinate simultaneous edits from multiple briefcases.
LockProps The properties of a lock that may be obtained from a lock server.
NativeHostOpts Options for startup
OnAspectArg Argument for the ElementAspect.onXxx static methods
OnAspectIdArg Argument for the ElementAspect.onXxx static methods that only supply the Id of the affected aspect.
OnAspectPropsArg Argument for the ElementAspect.onXxx static methods that supply the properties of an aspect to be inserted or updated.
OnChildElementArg Argument for the Element.onChildXxx static methods
OnChildElementIdArg Argument for the Element.onChildXxx static methods that only supply the Id of the child Element.
OnChildElementPropsArg Argument for the Element.onChildXxx static methods that supply the properties of the child Element to be inserted or updated.
OnElementArg Argument for the Element.onXxx static methods
OnElementIdArg Argument for the Element.onXxx static methods that notify of operations to an existing Element supplying its Id, ModelId and FederationGuid.
OnElementInModelIdArg Argument for the Model.onXxxElement static methods that supply the Id of an Element for a Model.
OnElementInModelPropsArg Argument for the Model.onXxxElement static methods that supply the properties of an Element for a Model.
OnElementPropsArg Argument for Element.onInsert and Element.onUpdate static methods.
OnModelArg Argument for the Model.onXxx static methods
OnModelIdArg Argument for the Model.onXxx static methods that only supply the Id of the affected Model.
OnModelPropsArg Argument for the Model.onXxx static methods that supply the properties of a Model to be inserted or updated.
OnSubModelIdArg Argument for several Element.onSubModelXxx static methods
OnSubModelPropsArg Argument for the Element.onSubModelInsert static method
ProduceTextAnnotationGeometryArgs Arguments supplied to produceTextAnnotationGeometry.
PushChangesArgs Parameters for pushing changesets to iModelHub
QueryLocalChangesArgs Arguments supplied to queryLocalChanges.
QueryMappedFamiliesArgs Arguments supplied to queryMappedFamilies.
QueryWorkspaceResourcesArgs Arguments supplied to queryResources defining the query criteria and the list of WorkspaceDbs to query.
RenderMaterialElementParams Parameters used to create a RenderMaterial element.
RequestNewBriefcaseArg The argument for downloadBriefcase
SchemaImportOptions Options for the importing of schemas
SettingGroupSchema Metadata describing a group of related SettingSchemas.
Settings The collection of Settings that supply the run-time configuration of a Workspace.
SettingSchema Metadata describing a single Setting as part of a SettingGroupSchema.
SettingsContainer An object that defines the values for any number of Settings.
SettingsDictionary A named container that supplies values for Settings.
SettingsDictionaryProps Properties of a SettingsDictionary, defining its name, the WorkspaceDb (if any) from which it originated, and its priority relative to other dictionaries.
SettingsDictionarySource Uniquely identifies a SettingsDictionary.
SettingsSchemas The registry of metadata describing groups of SettingSchemas available to the current session.
SheetIndexEntryCreateArgs Arguments used to create a SheetIndexEntry.
SheetIndexReferenceCreateArgs Arguments supplied when creating a SheetIndexReference.
SheetReferenceCreateArgs Arguments supplied when creating a SheetReference.
SimplifyElementGeometryArgs Arguments supplied to simplifyElementGeometry.
SqliteChange Represent sqlite change.
SqliteChangesetReaderArgs Arg to open a changeset file from disk
TextureCreateProps A TextureProps in which the image data can be specified either as a base-64-encoded string or a Uint8Array.
TileId Identifies a tile in cloud tile cache.
ToChangesetArgs Specifies a specific index for pulling changes.
TokenArg Argument to a function that can accept a valid access token.
TxnChangedEntities Describes a set of Elements or Models that changed as part of a transaction.
UpdateModelOptions Options for IModelDb.Models.updateModel
V2CheckpointAccessProps The properties to access a V2 checkpoint through a daemon.
ValidationError An error generated during dependency validation.
Workspace Settings and resources that customize an application for the current session.
WorkspaceContainer A WorkspaceContainer is a type of CloudContainer that holds one or more WorkspaceDbs.
WorkspaceContainerProps Properties describing a WorkspaceContainer for methods like getContainerAsync.
WorkspaceDb A SQLite database in a Workspace containing named resources that the application is configured to use.
WorkspaceDbLoadError An exception thrown when attempting to load a WorkspaceDb or some of its data; for example, if the WorkspaceDb could not be found or the user
WorkspaceDbLoadErrors An exception that may occur while opening an IModelDb if any problems are detected while loading its workspace.
WorkspaceDbManifest Metadata stored inside a WorkspaceDb describing the database's contents, to help users understand the purpose of the WorkspaceDb, who to
WorkspaceDbNameAndVersion Specifies the name and version of a WorkspaceDb.
WorkspaceDbProps Properties that specify how to load a WorkspaceDb within a WorkspaceContainer.
WorkspaceDbQueryResourcesArgs Arguments supplied to queryResources.
WorkspaceDbSettingsProps Specifies a resource inside a WorkspaceDb that holds a SettingsDictionary to load into settings.
WorkspaceEditor An object that permits administrators to modify the contents of a Workspace.
WorkspaceOpts Options supplied to startup via workspace to customize the initialization of appWorkspace.


Name Description
BlobContainer Types and functions for creating, deleting and authorizing access to cloud-based blob containers for an iTwin.
CloudSqlite Types for accessing SQLite databases stored in cloud containers.
ExportGraphics Provides utility functions for working with data generated by IModelDb.exportGraphics
LineStyleDefinition A line style definition is a uniquely named pattern that repeats as it is displayed along a curve path.
ViewStore A ViewStore is a database that stores Views and related data.
WorkspaceSettingNames The names of various Settings with special meaning to the Workspace system.

Type Aliases

Name Description
AnyDb Db from which schema will be read.
BindParameter parameter Index (1-based), or name of the parameter (including the initial ':', '@' or ' )
ChannelKey The key for a channel.
ElementSubTreeDeleteFilter Signature of the filter function used by ElementSubTreeDeleter.
EntityClassType Parameter type that can accept both abstract constructor types and non-abstract constructor types for instanceof to test.
ExportGraphicsFunction A callback function that receives generated graphics.
ExportLinesFunction A callback function that receives generated line graphics.
ExportPartFunction A callback function that receives generated graphics for a GeometryPart.
ExportPartLinesFunction A callback function that receives generated line graphics for a GeometryPart.
IModelCloneContext Deprecated
LockMap Maps element Ids to their corresponding LockStates.
OpenBriefcaseArgs Arguments to open a BriefcaseDb
ProgressFunction Called to show progress during a download.
PullChangesArgs Arguments for pullAndApplyChangesets
QueryWorkspaceResourcesCallback A function supplied as part of a QueryWorkspaceResourcesArgs to iterate the resources retrieved by queryResources.
RevertChangesArgs Arguments for revertTimelineChanges
Setting The value of a single named parameter within a settings that configures some aspect of the applications run-time behavior.
SettingName The name of a Setting.
SettingsPriority Defines the precedence of a SettingsDictionary.
SnapshotDbOpenArgs Options to open a SnapshotDb.
SqliteChangeOp Operation that cause the change
SqliteValueStage Stage is version of value that needed to be read
TxnIdString A string that identifies a Txn.
WorkspaceContainerId The unique identifier of a WorkspaceContainer.
WorkspaceDbCloudProps Properties describing a WorkspaceDb and the WorkspaceContainer containing it.
WorkspaceDbFullName The fully-specified name of a WorkspaceDb, combining its WorkspaceDbName and WorkspaceDbVersion in the format "name:version".
WorkspaceDbName The base name of a WorkspaceDb, without any version information.
WorkspaceDbQueryResourcesCallback A function supplied as callback to be invoked to process the requested resources.
WorkspaceDbVersion A semver string describing the version of a WorkspaceDb, e.g., "4.2.11".
WorkspaceDbVersionIncrement The release increment for a version number, used as part of CreateNewWorkspaceDbVersionArgs to specify the kind of version to create.
WorkspaceDbVersionRange A semver string describing a range of acceptable WorkspaceDbVersions,
WorkspaceResourceName The name of a blob, string, or file resource stored in a WorkspaceDb.

Last Updated: 19 February, 2025