EditableWorkspaceDb Interface

An editable WorkspaceDb. This is used only by tools to allow administrators to create and modify WorkspaceDbs. For cloud-based WorkspaceDbs, the container's write token must be obtained via acquireWriteLock before the methods in this interface may be used. Normally, only admins will have write access to a Workspace. Only one admin at a time may be editing a Workspace.



Name Description
addBlob(rscName: string, val: Uint8Array): void Add a new binary resource to this WorkspaceDb.  
addFile(rscName: string, localFileName: string, fileExt?: string): void Copy the contents of an existing local file into this WorkspaceDb as a file resource.  
addString(rscName: string, val: string): void Add a new string resource to this WorkspaceDb.  
removeBlob(rscName: string): void Remove a binary resource.  
removeFile(rscName: string): void Remove a file resource.  
removeString(rscName: string): void Remove a string resource.  
updateBlob(rscName: string, val: Uint8Array): void Update an existing blob resource with a new value, or add it if it does not exist.  
updateFile(rscName: string, localFileName: string): void Replace an existing file resource with the contents of another local file.  
updateManifest(manifest: WorkspaceDbManifest): void Update the contents of the manifest in this WorkspaceDb.  
updateSettingsResource(settings: SettingsContainer, rscName?: string): void Add or update a resource in this WorkspaceDb that can be loaded as a SettingsDictionary.  
updateString(rscName: string, val: string): void Update an existing string resource with a new value, or add it if it does not exist.  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
close(): void Inherited WorkspaceDb Close the underlying sqliteDb.
getBlob(rscName: string): undefined | Uint8Array Inherited WorkspaceDb Look up a binary resource by name, if one exists.
getFile(rscName: string, targetFileName?: string): undefined | string Inherited WorkspaceDb Extract a local copy of a file resource from this WorkspaceDb, if present.
getString(rscName: string): undefined | string Inherited WorkspaceDb Look up a string resource by name, if one exists.
open(): void Inherited WorkspaceDb Open the underlying sqliteDb to perform a query.
prefetch(opts?: CloudSqlite.PrefetchProps): CloudSqlite.CloudPrefetch Inherited WorkspaceDb Ensure that the contents of this WorkspaceDb are downloaded into the local cache so that it may be accessed offline.
queryResources(args: WorkspaceDbQueryResourcesArgs): void Inherited WorkspaceDb Find resources of a particular type with names matching a specified pattern.


Name Type Description
container Readonly EditableWorkspaceContainer The WorkspaceContainer in which this db resides.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
dbFileName Readonly Inherited string WorkspaceDb The name by which the WorkspaceDb can be opened.
dbName Readonly Inherited string WorkspaceDb The base name of this WorkspaceDb, without version
isOpen Readonly Inherited boolean WorkspaceDb Whether the underlying sqliteDb is currently opened.
manifest Readonly Inherited WorkspaceDbManifest WorkspaceDb The manifest that describes the contents and context of this WorkspaceDb.
onClose Readonly Inherited BeEvent<() => void> WorkspaceDb An event raised before this WorkspaceDb is closed.
sqliteDb Readonly Inherited SQLiteDb WorkspaceDb The underlying SQLite database that stores this WorkspaceDb's resources.
version Readonly Inherited string WorkspaceDb The version of this WorkspaceDb

Defined in

Last Updated: 29 November, 2024