
Classes and components for working with a PropertyGrid.


Name Description  
CompositePropertyDataFilterer Composite PropertyData filter which can join two filters using logic operators  
DisplayValuePropertyDataFilterer Property data filterer which matches on Primitive Property Record display value text.  
FilteringPropertyDataProvider IPropertyDataProvider implementation which filters wrapped provider PropertyData using passed IPropertyDataFilterer.  
LabelPropertyDataFilterer PropertyData filter which matches on any record type label and includes descendant nodes on match  
MutableCategorizedArrayProperty Mutable wrapper object for PropertyRecord with array valueFormat which provides methods for working with and managing record children hierarchies.  
MutableCategorizedPrimitiveProperty Mutable wrapper object for PropertyRecord with primitive valueFormat.  
MutableCategorizedProperty Base class for all Mutable CategorizedProperties  
MutableCategorizedStructProperty Mutable wrapper object for PropertyRecord with struct valueFormat which provides methods for working with and managing record children hierarchies.  
MutableFlatPropertyGridItem Base class for all FlatPropertyGrid items  
MutableGridCategory Mutable wrapper object for PropertyCategory which provides methods for working with and managing category and record children hierarchies  
MutableGridItemFactory Implementation of IMutableGridItemFactory for creating MutableGridItem objects.  
MutablePropertyGridModel Implementation of PropertyGridModel for working with and converting PropertyData to mutable FlatGridItems  
PropertyCategoryBlock PropertyCategoryBlock React component  
PropertyCategoryDataFiltererBase An abstract implementation of IPropertyDataFilterer that can be used as base for all  
PropertyCategoryLabelFilterer PropertyData filterer which matches on PropertyCategory's label.  
PropertyCategoryRendererManager Keeps a record of currently registered property category renderers and determines which renderers get invoked for  
PropertyDataChangeEvent An event broadcasted on property data changes  
PropertyDataFiltererBase An abstract implementation of IPropertyDataFilterer to share common behavior between different implementations.  
PropertyFilterChangeEvent An event broadcasted when property filter changes  
PropertyGridEventHandler Handles events and changes on PropertyGridModel data.  
PropertyGridModelChangeEvent An event broadcasted on property grid model changes  
PropertyGridModelSource Controls property grid model.  
PropertyList A React component that renders multiple properties within a category as a list.  
PropertyRecordDataFiltererBase An abstract implementation of IPropertyDataFilterer that can be used as base for all  
SimplePropertyDataProvider Implementation of [IPropertyDataProvider] that uses an associative array.  
VirtualizedPropertyGrid VirtualizedPropertyGrid React component.  


Name Description  
CompositeFilterType Logical operator for composite filterer.  
FilteredType Enumeration of possible component filtered types  
FlatGridItemType Types of FlatGridItems for differentiating what property FlatGridItem is wrapping.  

Global Functions

Name Description  
usePropertyData Custom hook that gets PropertyData from given IPropertyDataProvider and subscribes to further data changes.  
usePropertyGridEventHandler Custom hook that creates memoized version of PropertyGridEventHandler that modifies given modelSource  
usePropertyGridModel Custom hook that automatically listens and retrieves latest model from model source  
usePropertyGridModelSource Custom hook that creates a PropertyGridModelSource and subscribes it to data updates from the data provider. Deprecated
useTrackedPropertyGridModelSource Custom hook that creates a PropertyGridModelSource and subscribes it to data updates from the data provider while also providing information on data update progress.  
useVirtualizedPropertyGridLayoutStorage Returns callbacks for persisting and restoring VirtualizedPropertyGrid layout state.  
VirtualizedPropertyGridWithDataProvider VirtualizedPropertyGrid React Component which takes a data provider and  


Name Description  
CategorizedPropertyItem Data structure which describes methods and properties present on immutable CategorizedPropertyItem objects  
CategoryRecordsDict Category name to PropertyRecord[] key pair interface used to describe which records belong to which category.  
CommonPropertyGridProps Common Property Grid Props to be used by Property Grid Variants  
FilteredPropertyData Data returned by FilteringPropertyDataProvider  
FlatGridItemBase Base immutable data structure defining common methods and properties for categories and categorized properties  
GridCategoryItem Data structure which describes methods and properties present on immutable GridCategoryItem  
IMutableCategorizedPropertyItem Data structure which describes methods and properties to be held by Mutable CategorizedPropertyItems  
IMutableFlatPropertyGridItem Base mutable data structure defining common methods and properties for both CategorizedProperties and GridCategoryItems  
IMutableGridCategoryItem Data structure which describes methods and properties to be held by Mutable GridCategoryItems  
IMutableGridItemFactory IMutableGridItemFactory interface for creating MutableGridItem objects  
IMutablePropertyGridModel PropertyGridModel interface for working with mutable FlatGridItems  
IPropertyDataFilterer An interface for a filterer that filters PropertyData based on content of PropertyRecord  
IPropertyDataProvider An interface for property data provider which returns  
IPropertyGridEventHandler Handles events and changes on PropertyGridModel data.  
IPropertyGridModel PropertyGridModel interface for working with immutable FlatGridItems  
PropertyCategory Contains metadata about a group of Properties.  
PropertyCategoryBlockProps Properties for the PropertyCategoryBlock React component  
PropertyCategoryRendererProps Props that property category renderer receives.  
PropertyData Interface for property data provided to the PropertyGrid React component.  
PropertyDataFilterResult Data structure for storing IPropertyDataFilterer matching results  
PropertyEditingArgs Arguments for the Property Editing event callback  
PropertyGridContentHighlightProps Properties for highlighting text in property grid.  
PropertyGridContextMenuArgs Arguments for PropertyGridProps.onPropertyContextMenu callback  
PropertyListProps Properties of PropertyList React component  
VirtualizedPropertyGridContext Context of the surrounding VirtualizedPropertyGrid component.  
VirtualizedPropertyGridProps Properties for VirtualizedPropertyGrid React component  
VirtualizedPropertyGridWithDataProviderProps Properties for VirtualizedPropertyGridWithDataProvider React component Deprecated

Type Aliases

Name Description  
CategorizedPropertyTypes Type which extracts FlatGridItemTypes relevant for working with CategorizedProperties  
FlatGridItem Type which describes immutable GridCategoryItem or CategorizedPropertyItem  
IMutableFlatGridItem Type which describes mutable GridCategoryItem or CategorizedProperty  
PropertyCategoryRenderer Factory function that produces custom property category components.  
PropertyDataChangesListener A signature for property data change listeners  
PropertyFilterChangesListener A signature for property data change listeners  
PropertyGridModelChangeListener A signature for property grid model change listeners  

Last Updated: 19 September, 2024