

Name Description
BeDuration A duration of time.
BeEvent Manages a set of listeners for a particular event and notifies them when the event is raised.
BeEventList A list of BeEvent objects, accessible by an event name.
BentleyError Base exception class for iTwin.js exceptions.
BeTimePoint A specific point in time relative to the current time.
BeUiEvent Specialization of BeEvent for events that take a single strongly typed argument, primarily used for UI events.
ByteStream Allows the contents of an ArrayBuffer
Dictionary Maintains a mapping of keys to values.
DisposableList A disposable container of disposable objects.
Entry An entry holds the key and value, and pointers to any older and newer entries.
IndexedValue Associates a value of type T with an index representing its insertion order in an IndexMap
IndexMap Maintains a set of unique elements in sorted order and retains the insertion order of each.
Logger Logger allows libraries and apps to report potentially useful information about operations, and it allows apps and users to control
LRUCache A mapping of a key/value pairs, where the size of the cache can be limited.
LRUDictionary A LRUCache using a Dictionary as its internal storage, permitting custom key comparison logic.
LRUMap A LRUCache using a standard Map as its internal storage.
MutableCompressedId64Set A mutable set of valid Id64Strings sorted in ascending order by the 64-bit unsigned integer value of the Ids.
ObservableSet A standard Set that emits events when its contents change.
OneAtATimeAction Orchestrator of a one-at-a-time activity.
OrderedId64Array A SortedArray of unique Id64Strings sorted in ascending order by the 64-bit unsigned integer values of the Ids.
OrderedSet A mutable ReadonlyOrderedSet.
PerfLogger Simple performance diagnostics utility.
PriorityQueue A priority queue implemented as a heap array.
ProcessDetector Functions to determine the type of JavaScript process currently executing.
ReadonlyOrderedSet A read-only equivalent of Set<T> that maintains its elements in sorted order as specified by a comparison function.
ReadonlySortedArray A read-only view of an array of some type T sorted according to some user-supplied criterion.
SortedArray Maintains an array of some type T in sorted order.
StopWatch A StopWatch for timing operations.
Tracing Enables OpenTelemetry tracing in addition to traditional logging. Deprecated
TransientIdSequence Generates unique Id64String values in sequence, which are guaranteed not to conflict with Ids associated with persistent elements or models.
TupleKeyedMap A map similar to the standard JavaScript Map collection except that the keys must be a tuple
TypedArrayBuilder Incrementally builds a TypedArray of unsigned 8-, 16-, or 32-bit integers.
Uint16ArrayBuilder A TypedArrayBuilder for producing a Uint16Array.
Uint32ArrayBuilder A TypedArrayBuilder for producing a Uint32Array.
Uint8ArrayBuilder A TypedArrayBuilder for producing a Uint8Array.
UintArrayBuilder A TypedArrayBuilder that can populate a UintArray with the minimum
UnexpectedErrors Utility for handling/reporting unexpected runtime errors.
YieldManager Provides a mechanism by which a loop can be made to periodically yield control back to the browser/node environment.


Name Description
BentleyLoggerCategory Logger categories used by this package
BentleyStatus Standard status code.
BriefcaseStatus Error statuses produced by various briefcase operations, typically encountered as the errorNumber of an IModelError.
ChangeSetStatus Error statuses produced by various Changeset operations, typically encountered as the errorNumber of an IModelError.
DbOpcode Values, stored in changesets, that indicate what operation was performed on the database.
DbResult Values for return codes from BeSQLite functions.
DuplicatePolicy Describes how duplicate values are handled when inserting into a SortedArray.
GeoServiceStatus GeoServiceStatus errors
HttpStatus Status from returned HTTP status code
IModelHubStatus Statuses produced by APIs that interact with iModelHub, typically encountered as the errorNumber of an IModelError.
IModelStatus Status codes that are used in conjunction with BentleyError.
LogLevel Use to categorize logging messages by severity.
OpenMode Whether to open a database readonly or writeable.
RpcInterfaceStatus RpcInterface status codes
SpanKind Mirrors the SpanKind enum from @opentelemetry/api Deprecated

Global Functions

Name Description
areEqualPossiblyUndefined Compare two possibly-undefined values for equality.
asInstanceOf Cast obj to an instance of class T, or return undefined if obj is not an instance of class T.
assert Asserts that a condition is true and - when enabled - throws an error if it is not.
base64StringToUint8Array Given a base-64-encoded string, decode it into an array of bytes.
compareWithTolerance An OrderedComparator for numbers that treats two numbers as equal if the absolute value of their difference is less than a specified tolerance.
isDisposable A type guard that checks whether the given argument implements Disposable interface
isIDisposable A type guard that checks whether the given argument implements IDisposable interface Deprecated
isInstanceOf Returns true if obj is an object of class T.
isProperSubclassOf Check if class subclass is a different class from superclass but extends from superclass
isSubclassOf Check if class subclass is superclass or extends from superclass
lowerBound Given a sorted array, computes the position at which the specified value should be inserted into the array so that the array remains sorted.
omit A runtime property omitter, makes a shallow copy of the given object without the specified properties
partitionArray Partitions an array in-place according to some criterion, such that elements that fulfill the criterion are grouped in the lower
shallowClone A CloneFunction that, given a value of type T, returns the same value.
using A 'using' function which is a substitution for .NET's using statement. Deprecated
utf8ToString Given an array of bytes containing a utf-8 string, convert to a string.


Name Description
DictionaryEntry Represents an entry in a Dictionary.
EntryContainer The interface that must be satisfied by the underlying container type used by a LRUCache.
IDisposable Interface adopted by a type which has deterministic cleanup logic. Deprecated
LoggerCategoryAndLevel Identifies a logging category and the LogLevel that should be used for it.
LoggerLevelsConfig Specifies logging levels, including the default logging level and a set of categories and levels for them.
A global set of metadata that should be included with every log message.
TransientIdSequenceProps JSON representation of a TransientIdSequence, primarily useful for transferring sequences to and from a Worker.
TypedArrayBuilderOptions Options used to construct a TypedArrayBuilder.
UintArrayBuilderOptions Options used to construct a UintArrayBuilder.
YieldManagerOptions Options supplied to a YieldManager.


Name Description
CompressedId64Set A compact string representation of an Id64Set.
Guid The Guid namespace provides facilities for working with GUID strings using the "8-4-4-4-12" pattern.
Id64 The Id64 namespace provides facilities for working with 64-bit identifiers.
JsonUtils Utility functions for converting from JSON objects, with default values.
OrderedId64Iterable A collection of valid Id64Strings sorted in ascending order by the unsigned 64-bit integer value of the Ids.

Type Aliases

Name Description
AccessToken A string representing a token used to access resources.
AsyncFunction Any function returning a Promise.
AsyncMethodsOf Extracts the names of all function properties of T that return a Promise.
CloneFunction A function that, given a value of type T, returns a copy of that value.
Constructor Generically represents a class T, for use in type annotations.
DisposeFunc A definition of function which may be called to dispose an object
GetMetaDataFunction A function that returns a metadata object for a BentleyError.
GuidString A string containing a well-formed string representation of a Guid.
Id64Arg Used as an argument to a function that can accept one or more Id64Strings.
Id64Array An array of Id64Strings.
Id64Set A set of Id64Strings.
Id64String A string containing a well-formed string representation of an Id64.
Listener A function invoked when a BeEvent is raised.
ListenerType Retrieves the type of the callback function for an event type like BeEvent.
LogFunction Defines the signature for a log function.
Optional metadata attached to a BentleyError.
MarkRequired Make a new type from an existing type T, with set of optional properties K required.
MaybePromise A type that is either T or Promise<T>.
Mutable The inverse of TypeScript's Readonly type, producing a type that has all the properties of T with any readonly modifiers removed.
NonFunctionPropertiesOf Produces a type consisting of all of the public properties of T except for those of type function.
NonFunctionPropertyNamesOf Extracts the names of all public properties of T that are not of type function.
OnUnexpectedError A function to be notified when an unexpected error happens
Optional Make a new type from an existing type T, with set of required properties K optional.
OrderedComparator A function that returns a numerical value indicating how two objects are ordered in relation to one another.
PickAsyncMethods The members of T that are async functions (functions that return a promise), and no other properties
PickMethods The members of T that are functions and no other properties
PickSyncMethods The members of T that are functions that do not return a Promise
PromiseReturnType Extracts the type to which the Promise returned by an async function resolves.
RemapTransientLocalId A function returned by TransientIdSequence.merge that remaps the local Id portion of an Id64String generated by
RequireAtLeastOne Defines a type wherein at least one of the properties of T is required to exist.
UintArray A TypedArray containing unsigned 8-, 16-, or 32-bit integers.

Last Updated: 22 January, 2025