ReadonlyOrderedSet<T> Class

A read-only equivalent of Set<T> that maintains its elements in sorted order as specified by a comparison function. Iteration returns elements in the order specified by the comparison function, as opposed to Set which returns elements in insertion order. Implemented in terms of SortedArray.

Extended by


  • Iterable<T>


Name Description
constructor<T>(compare: OrderedComparator<T>, clone: CloneFunction<T>shallowClone): ReadonlyOrderedSet<T> Construct a new ReadonlyOrderedSet.  
[iterator](): Iterator<T, any, any> Iterate over the elements in sorted order (as opposed to Set's iterator, which returns elements in insertion order).  
has(value: T): boolean Returns true if value is present in the set.  


Name Type Description
_array Protected Readonly SortedArray<T>    
size Accessor ReadOnly number The number of elements in the set.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025