
Types for describing how the contents of Views should be rendered.


Name Description  
AmbientLight Describes the ambient light associated with a LightSettings.  
AnalysisStyle As part of a DisplayStyleSettings, describes how to animate meshes in the view that have been augmented with  
AnalysisStyleDisplacement Describes how an AnalysisStyle deforms a Polyface by applying translation to its vertices.  
AnalysisStyleThematic Describes how an AnalysisStyle recolors Polyface vertices by mapping values of type  
BackgroundMapProvider Describes one of a small set of standard, known suppliers of background map imagery as part of a BaseMapLayerSettings.  
BackgroundMapSettings As part of a DisplayStyleSettings, controls aspects of how the background map is displayed.  
ContextRealityModel A reality model not associated with a GeometricModel but instead defined in a DisplayStyle or DisplayStyleState.  
ContextRealityModels A list of ContextRealityModels attached to a DisplayStyleSettings.  
DisplayStyle3dSettings Provides access to the settings defined by a DisplayStyle3d or DisplayStyle3dState, and ensures that  
DisplayStyleSettings Provides access to the settings defined by a DisplayStyle or DisplayStyleState, and ensures that  
Environment As part of a DisplayStyle3dSettings, controls the display of a SkyBox and GroundPlane to simulate the  
FresnelSettings As part of a LightSettings, describes how to apply a Fresnel effect to the contents of the view.  
GroundPlane A circle drawn at a Z elevation, whose diameter is the the XY diagonal of the project extents, used to represent the ground as a reference point within a spatial view.  
HemisphereLights Describes a pair of hemisphere lights associated with a LightSettings.  
LightSettings Describes the lighting for a 3d scene, associated with a DisplayStyle3dSettings in turn associated with a DisplayStyle3d or DisplayStyle3dState.  
PlanarClipMaskSettings Describes how to mask the geometry of one GeometricModel for display.  
PlanProjectionSettings Describes how to draw a plan projection model.  
PointCloudDisplaySettings Settings that control how a point cloud reality model is displayed within a Viewport.  
RealityModelDisplaySettings Settings that control how a reality model - whether a ContextRealityModel or a persistent reality Model - is displayed within a Viewport.  
SkyBox Describes how to draw a representation of a sky, as part of an Environment.  
SkyCube Describes how to draw a representation of a sky by mapping images to the interior faces of a cube.  
SkyGradient Describes how to map a two- or four-color Gradient to the interior of a sphere to produce a SkyBox.  
SkySphere Describes how to draw a representation of a sky by mapping a single image to the interior of a sphere.  
SolarLight Describes the solar directional light associated with a LightSettings.  
SolarShadowSettings Settings controlling display of solar shadows for a DisplayStyle3dSettings.  
SpatialClassifier Describes how to use the geometry of one GeometricModel to classify the contents of other models - most typically, reality models.  
SpatialClassifierFlags Flags affecting how a SpatialClassifier is applied.  
SpatialClassifiers A set of SpatialClassifiers for a given reality model.  
SubCategoryOverride Overrides selected aspects of a SubCategoryAppearance in the context of a DisplayStyleState.  
TerrainSettings Normalized version of TerrainProps for which provider has been validated and default values of all members are used.  
ViewFlags Flags controlling how graphics appear within a view.  
WhiteOnWhiteReversalSettings As part of a DisplayStyleSettings, controls how white-on-white reversal is applied to make white geometry more  


Name Description  
BackgroundMapType Enumerates the types of map imagery that can be supplied by a BackgroundMapProvider.  
CesiumTerrainAssetId Ids of Cesium ION assets providing global terrain data.  
GlobeMode Describes the projection of the background map  
MonochromeMode Describes the style in which monochrome color is applied by a DisplayStyleSettings.  
PlanarClipMaskMode The different modes by which a PlanarClipMaskSettings collects the geometry used to mask a model.  
PlanarClipMaskPriority The default priority values for a PlanarClipMaskSettings, based on model type.  
RealityDataFormat Identify the Reality Data storage format  
RealityDataProvider Identify the Reality Data service provider  
RenderMode Enumerates the available basic rendering modes, as part of a DisplayStyle's ViewFlags.  
SkyBoxImageType Supported types of SkyBox images.  
SpatialClassifierInsideDisplay Describes how a SpatialClassifier affects the display of classified geometry - that is, geometry intersecting  
SpatialClassifierOutsideDisplay Describes how a SpatialClassifier affects the display of unclassified geometry - that is, geometry not intersecting  
TerrainHeightOriginMode Correction modes for terrain height  


Name Description  
AmbientLightProps Wire format for the ambient light associated with a LightSettingsProps.  
AnalysisStyleDisplacementProps JSON representation of an AnalysisStyleDisplacement.  
AnalysisStyleProps JSON representation of an AnalysisStyle.  
AnalysisStyleThematicProps JSON representation of an AnalysisStyleThematic.  
BackgroundMapProps In-memory JSON representation of a BackgroundMapSettings.  
BackgroundMapProviderProps JSON representation of a BackgroundMapProvider.  
BasicPlanarClipMaskArgs Basic arguments supplied to PlanarClipMaskSettings.create.  
ContextRealityModelProps JSON representation of a ContextRealityModel.  
ContextRealityModelsArgs Arguments supplied to the constructor of ContextRealityModels.  
ContextRealityModelsContainer An object that can store the JSON representation of a list of ContextRealityModels.  
DeprecatedBackgroundMapProps Properties of PersistentBackgroundMapProps that have been deprecated, but are retained for backwards compatibility.  
DisplayStyle3dProps JSON representation of a DisplayStyle3d or DisplayStyle3dState.  
DisplayStyle3dSettingsProps JSON representation of DisplayStyle3dSettings associated with a DisplayStyle3dProps.  
DisplayStyleModelAppearanceProps A FeatureAppearanceProps applied to a specific model to override its appearance within the context of a DisplayStyle.  
DisplayStyleOverridesOptions Controls which settings are serialized by toOverrides.  
DisplayStylePlanarClipMaskProps A PlanarClipMaskProps associated with a specific reality model.  
DisplayStyleProps JSON representation of a DisplayStyle or DisplayStyleState.  
DisplayStyleRealityModelDisplayProps RealityModelDisplaySettings applied to a reality Model to change how it is rendered within the context of a DisplayStyle.  
DisplayStyleSettingsOptions Options supplied when constructing a DisplayStyleSettings.  
DisplayStyleSettingsProps JSON representation of the DisplayStyleSettings associated with a DisplayStyleProps.  
DisplayStyleSubCategoryProps Describes the SubCategoryOverrides applied to a SubCategory by a DisplayStyle.  
ElementPlanarClipMaskArgs Arguments supplied to PlanarClipMaskSettings.create to create a mask of IncludeElements or ExcludeElements.  
EnvironmentProps JSON representation of an Environment.  
FresnelSettingsProps JSON representation of a FresnelSettings.  
GroundPlaneProps JSON representation of a GroundPlane.  
HemisphereLightsProps Wire format for a pair of hemisphere lights associated with a LightSettingsProps.  
LightSettingsProps Wire format for a LightSettings describing lighting for a 3d scene.  
ModelPlanarClipMaskArgs Arguments supplied to PlanarClipMaskSettings.create to create a mask of PlanarClipMaskMode.Models.  
PlanarClipMaskProps JSON representation of a PlanarClipMaskSettings.  
PlanProjectionSettingsProps Wire format describing PlanProjectionSettings.  
PointCloudDisplayProps The JSON representation of PointCloudDisplaySettings.  
PriorityPlanarClipMaskArgs Arguments supplied to PlanarClipMaskSettings.create to create a mask of Priority.  
RealityDataSourceKey Key used by RealityDataSource to identify provider and reality data format  
RealityDataSourceProps JSON representation of the reality data reference attachment properties.  
RealityModelDisplayProps The JSON representation of RealityModelDisplaySettings.  
SkyBoxProps JSON representation of a SkyBox that can be drawn as the background of a ViewState3d.  
SkyCubeImageProps JSON representation of the images used for a SkyCube.  
SkyCubeProps JSON representation of the six images used by a SkyCube.  
SkySphereImageProps JSON representation of the image used for a SkySphere.  
SolarLightProps Wire format for the solar directional light associated with a LightSettingsProps.  
SolarShadowSettingsProps JSON representation of SolarShadowSettings.  
SpatialClassifierFlagsProps JSON representation of a SpatialClassifierFlags.  
SpatialClassifierProps JSON representation of a SpatialClassifier.  
SpatialClassifiersContainer An object that can store the JSON representation of a list of SpatialClassifiers.  
SubCategoryPlanarClipMaskArgs Arguments supplied to PlanarClipMaskSettings.create to create a mask of IncludeSubCategories.  
TerrainProps JSON representation of the settings of the terrain applied to background map display by a DisplayStyle.  
ViewFlagProps JSON representation of ViewFlags.  
WhiteOnWhiteReversalProps JSON representation of a WhiteOnWhiteReversalSettings.  


Name Description  
AmbientOcclusion Namespace containing types controlling how ambient occlusion should be drawn.  
Atmosphere Namespace containing types controlling how atmospheric scattering should be rendered.  
HiddenLine Namespace containing types controlling how edges and surfaces should be drawn in "hidden line" and "solid fill" RenderModes.  
RealityDataFormat Utility function for RealityDataFormat  
RealityDataSourceKey RealityDataSourceKey utility functions  
RenderSchedule Namespace containing types that collectively define a script that animates the contents of a view by adjusting the visibility, position,  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
BackgroundMapProviderName Enumerates a set of supported BackgroundMapProviders that can provide map imagery.  
EnvironmentProperties A type containing all of the properties of Environment with none of the methods and with the readonly modifiers removed.  
GroundPlaneProperties A type containing all of the properties and none of the methods of GroundPlane, with readonly modifiers removed.  
PersistentBackgroundMapProps Persistent JSON representation of a BackgroundMapSettings.  
PointCloudEDLMode Specifies the Eye-Dome Lighting mode used for a point cloud.  
PointCloudShape Specifies the shape drawn for each individual point within a point cloud.  
PointCloudSizeMode Specifies how the sizes of the individual points within a point cloud are computed.  
SkyBoxImageProps JSON representation of the image(s) to be mapped to the surfaces of a SkyBox.  
SkyGradientProperties A type containing all of the properties and none of the methods of SkyGradient with readonly modifiers removed.  
ViewFlagOverrides A type that describes how to override selected properties of a ViewFlags.  
ViewFlagsProperties A type containing all of the properties of ViewFlags with none of the methods and with the readonly modifiers removed.  

Last Updated: 06 February, 2025