FresnelSettings Class

As part of a LightSettings, describes how to apply a Fresnel effect to the contents of the view. The "Fresnel effect" is based on the observation that the reflectivity of a surface varies based on the angle between the surface and the viewer's line of sight. For example, a flat surface will appear more reflective when viewed at a glancing angle than it will when viewed from above; and a sphere will appear more reflective around its edges than at its center.

This principle can be used to improve photorealism, but the implementation provided here is intended to produce non-realistic but aesthetically-pleasing results.

@see fresnel.


Name Description
clone(changedProps?: FresnelSettingsProps): FresnelSettings Create a copy of these settings, modified to match any properties explicitly specified by changedProps.  
equals(rhs: FresnelSettings): boolean Return true if these settings are equivalent to rhs.  
toJSON(): undefined | FresnelSettingsProps Convert to JSON representation.  
create(intensity: number0, invert: booleanfalse): FresnelSettings Static Create a new FresnelSettings.  
fromJSON(props?: FresnelSettingsProps): FresnelSettings Static Create from JSON representation, using default values for any unspecified or undefined properties.  


Name Type Description
intensity Readonly number The strength of the effect in terms of how much brighter the surface becomes.  
invert Readonly boolean If true, inverts the effect's intensity such that maximum intensity is produced when the viewer's line of sight is parallel to the vector between  

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025