GroundPlane Class

A circle drawn at a Z elevation, whose diameter is the the XY diagonal of the project extents, used to represent the ground as a reference point within a spatial view.

@see Environment.ground.


Name Description
constructor(props: Partial<GroundPlaneProperties>): GroundPlane Protected    
clone(changedProps?: Partial<GroundPlaneProperties>): GroundPlane Create a copy of this ground plane, identical except for any properties explicitly specified by changedProps.  
toJSON(display?: boolean): GroundPlaneProps Convert to JSON representation.  
create(props?: Partial<GroundPlaneProperties>): GroundPlane Static Create a new GroundPlane.  
fromJSON(props?: GroundPlaneProps): GroundPlane Static Create from JSON representation.  


Name Type Description
aboveColor Readonly ColorDef The color in which to draw the ground plane when viewed from above.  
belowColor Readonly ColorDef The color in which to draw the ground plane when viewed from below.  
defaults Static Readonly GroundPlane Default settings with a dark green "above" color, dark brown "below" color, and elevation of -0.01 meters.  
elevation Readonly number The Z height in meters at which to draw the plane.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025