DisplayStyleSettings Class
Provides access to the settings defined by a DisplayStyle or DisplayStyleState, and ensures that the style's JSON properties are kept in sync.
@see DisplayStyleSettingsProps for the JSON representation of these settings.
Extended by
Name | Description | |
constructor(jsonProperties: { styles?: DisplayStyleSettingsProps }, options?: DisplayStyleSettingsOptions): DisplayStyleSettings | Construct a new DisplayStyleSettings from an jsonProperties. | |
addExcludedElements(id: string | Iterable<string, any, any>): void | Add one or more elements to the set of elements not to be displayed. | |
applyOverrides(overrides: DisplayStyleSettingsProps): void | Selectively override some of these settings. | |
clearExcludedElements(): void | Remove all elements from the set of elements not to be displayed. | |
dropExcludedElement(id: string): void | Remove an element from the set of elements not to be displayed. | |
dropExcludedElements(id: string | Iterable<string, any, any>): void | Remove one or more elements from the set of elements not to be displayed. | |
dropModelAppearanceOverride(id: string): void | Remove any appearance overrides applied to a Model by this style. | |
dropSubCategoryOverride(id: string): void | Remove any SubCategoryOverride applied to a SubCategoryAppearance by this style. | |
getModelAppearanceOverride(id: string): undefined | FeatureAppearance | Obtain the override applied to a Model by this style. | |
getRealityModelDisplaySettings(modelId: string): undefined | RealityModelDisplaySettings | Get any settings that override how the reality model with the specified Id is displayed. | |
getSubCategoryOverride(id: string): undefined | SubCategoryOverride | Obtain the override applied to a SubCategoryAppearance by this style. | |
is3d(): this is DisplayStyle3dSettings | Returns true if this is a DisplayStyle3dSettings. | |
overrideModelAppearance(modelId: string, ovr: FeatureAppearance): void | Customize the way a Model is drawn by this display style. | |
overrideSubCategory(id: string, ovr: SubCategoryOverride): void | Customize the way geometry belonging to a SubCategory is drawn by this display style. | |
setRealityModelDisplaySettings(modelId: string, settings: RealityModelDisplaySettings): void | Change the settings that control how the reality model with the specified Id is displayed. | |
toJSON(): DisplayStyleSettingsProps | Convert these settings to their JSON representation. | |
toOverrides(options?: DisplayStyleOverridesOptions): DisplayStyleSettingsProps | Serialize a subset of these settings to JSON, such that they can be applied to another DisplayStyleSettings to selectively override those settings. |
Name | Type | Description | |
_json Protected Readonly | DisplayStyleSettingsProps | ||
analysisFraction Accessor | number | A floating point value in [0..1] indicating the current point in animation of the analysisStyle, where 0 corresponds to the beginning of | |
analysisStyle Accessor | undefined | AnalysisStyle | Settings controlling the display of analytical models. | |
backgroundColor Accessor | ColorDef | The color displayed in the view background - by default, ColorDef.black. | |
backgroundMap Accessor | BackgroundMapSettings | Settings controlling display of the background map within views of geolocated models. | |
clipStyle Accessor | ClipStyle | The style applied to the view's ClipVector. | |
contextRealityModels Accessor ReadOnly | ContextRealityModels | Reality models to be displayed in the view. | |
excludedElementIds Accessor ReadOnly | OrderedId64Iterable | The set of elements that will not be drawn by this display style. | |
hasModelAppearanceOverride Accessor ReadOnly | boolean | Returns true if model appearance overrides are defined by this style. | |
hasSubCategoryOverride Accessor ReadOnly | boolean | Returns true if an SubCategoryOverrides are defined by this style. | |
mapImagery Accessor | MapImagerySettings | Settings defining the map imagery layers to be displayed within the view. | |
modelAppearanceOverrides Accessor ReadOnly | Map<string, FeatureAppearance> | The overrides applied by this style. | |
monochromeColor Accessor | ColorDef | The color used to draw geometry when monochrome is enabled - by default, ColorDef.white. | |
monochromeMode Accessor | MonochromeMode | The style in which monochromeColor is applied when monochrome is enabled - by default, MonochromeMode.Scaled. | |
onAmbientOcclusionSettingsChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newSettings: AmbientOcclusion.Settings) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the ambientOcclusionSettings property. | |
onAnalysisFractionChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newFraction: number) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the analysisFraction property. | |
onAnalysisStyleChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newStyle: Readonly<AnalysisStyle>) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the analysisStyle property. | |
onApplyOverrides Readonly | BeEvent<(overrides: Readonly<DisplayStyleSettingsProps>) => void> | Event raised by applyOverrides just before the overrides are applied. | |
onBackgroundColorChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newColor: ColorDef) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the backgroundColor property. | |
onBackgroundMapChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newMap: BackgroundMapSettings) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the backgroundMap property. | |
onClipStyleChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newStyle: ClipStyle) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the clipStyle property. | |
onContoursChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newContours: ContourDisplay) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the contours property. | |
onEnvironmentChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newEnv: Readonly<Environment>) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the environment property. | |
onExcludedElementsChanged Readonly | BeEvent<() => void> | Event raised when the contents of excludedElementIds changes. | |
onHiddenLineSettingsChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newSettings: HiddenLine.Settings) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the hiddenLineSettings property. | |
onLightsChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newLights: LightSettings) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the DisplayStyle3dSettings.lights property. | |
onMapImageryChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newImagery: Readonly<MapImagerySettings>) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the mapImagery property. | |
onModelAppearanceOverrideChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(modelId: string, newAppearance: FeatureAppearance) => void> | Event raised just before changing the appearance override for a model. | |
onMonochromeColorChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newColor: ColorDef) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the monochromeColor property. | |
onMonochromeModeChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newMode: MonochromeMode) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the monochromeMode property. | |
onOverridesApplied Readonly | BeEvent<(overrides: Readonly<DisplayStyleSettingsProps>) => void> | Event raised by applyOverrides after the overrides are applied. | |
onPlanarClipMaskChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(modelId: string, newSettings: PlanarClipMaskSettings) => void> | Event raised just before adding or removing an entry from planarClipMasks. | |
onPlanProjectionSettingsChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(modelId: string, newSettings: PlanProjectionSettings) => void> | Event raised just before changing the plan projection settings for a model. | |
onRealityModelDisplaySettingsChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(modelId: string, newSettings: RealityModelDisplaySettings) => void> | Event raised just before setRealityModelDisplaySettings changes the display settings for a reality model. | |
onRenderTimelineChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newRenderTimeline: string) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the renderTimeline property. | |
onScheduleScriptPropsChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newProps: ReadonlyArray<RenderSchedule.ModelTimelineProps>) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the scheduleScriptProps property. |
onSolarShadowsChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newSettings: SolarShadowSettings) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the solarShadows property. | |
onSubCategoryOverridesChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(subCategoryId: string, newOverrides: SubCategoryOverride) => void> | Event raised when the SubCategoryOverrides change. | |
onThematicChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newThematic: ThematicDisplay) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the thematic property. | |
onTimePointChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newTimePoint: number) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the timePoint property. | |
onViewFlagsChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newFlags: Readonly<ViewFlags>) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the viewFlags property. | |
onWhiteOnWhiteReversalChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newSettings: WhiteOnWhiteReversalSettings) => void> | Event raised just prior to assignment to the whiteOnWhiteReversal property. | |
planarClipMasks Accessor ReadOnly | Map<string, PlanarClipMaskSettings> | Planar clip masks to be applied to persistent reality models (See: SpatialModelState.isRealityModel. | |
renderTimeline Accessor | undefined | string | The Id of a RenderTimeline element containing a RenderSchedule.Script used to animate the view. | |
scheduleScriptProps Accessor | undefined | RenderSchedule.ScriptProps | JSON representation of a RenderSchedule.Script embedded in the display style describing how to animate the contents of the view over time. | |
subCategoryOverrides Accessor ReadOnly | Map<string, SubCategoryOverride> | The overrides applied by this style. | |
timePoint Accessor | undefined | number | The point in time currently reflected by the view, expressed in seconds in the Unix epoch. | |
viewFlags Accessor | ViewFlags | Flags controlling various aspects of the display style. | |
whiteOnWhiteReversal Accessor | WhiteOnWhiteReversalSettings | Settings controlling how white-on-white reversal is applied when whiteOnWhiteReversal is enabled. |
Defined in
Last Updated: 20 February, 2025
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