OrderedId64Iterable Namespace

A collection of valid Id64Strings sorted in ascending order by the unsigned 64-bit integer value of the Ids. This ordering is a requirement for several groups of APIs including CompressedId64Set. When used as input to a function, duplicate Ids are ignored; when returned as a function output, no duplicates are present.


Name Description
OrderedId64Iterable.areEqualSets Given two ordered collections of Id64Strings, determine whether they are identical sets.
OrderedId64Iterable.compare An ordered comparison of Id64Strings suitable for use with sorting routines like
OrderedId64Iterable.difference Given two ordered collections of Id64Strings, produce an iterator representing their difference - i.e., the Ids that are present in ids1 but not present in ids2.
OrderedId64Iterable.differenceIterator Given two ordered collections of Id64Strings, produce an iterator representing their difference - i.e., the Ids that are present in ids1 but not present in ids2.
OrderedId64Iterable.intersection Given two ordered collections of Id64Strings, produce an iterator representing their intersection - i.e., the Ids that are present in both collections.
OrderedId64Iterable.intersectionIterator Given two ordered collections of Id64Strings, produce an iterator representing their intersection - i.e., the Ids that are present in both collections.
OrderedId64Iterable.isEmptySet Given an ordered collection of Id64Strings, determine if it contains any Ids.
OrderedId64Iterable.sortArray Sort an array of Id64Strings in-place in ascending order by their 64-bit numerical values.
OrderedId64Iterable.union Given two ordered collections of Id64Strings, produce a collection representing their union - i.e., the Ids that are present in either or both collections.
OrderedId64Iterable.unionIterator Given two ordered collections of Id64Strings, produce an iterator representing their union - i.e., the Ids that are present in either or both collections.
OrderedId64Iterable.unique Given an ordered collection of Id64Strings possibly containing duplicates, produce an ordered collection containing no duplicates.
OrderedId64Iterable.uniqueIterator Given an ordered collection of Id64Strings possibly containing duplicates, produce an ordered iterator over the distinct Ids, eliminating duplicates.

Defined in

OrderedId64Iterable Type

OrderedId64Iterable = Iterable<Id64String>

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025