ReadonlySortedArray<T> Class
A read-only view of an array of some type T sorted according to some user-supplied criterion.
Duplicate elements may be present, though sub-types may enforce uniqueness of elements.
In the absence of duplicates, a ReadonlySortedArray
Because the array is always sorted, querying for the presence of an element is performed using binary search, which is more efficient than a linear search for reasonably large arrays.
The comparison function must meet the following criteria, given 'lhs' and 'rhs' of type T:
- If lhs is equal to rhs, returns 0
- If lhs is less than rhs, returns a negative value
- If lhs is greater than rhs, returns a positive value
- If compare(lhs, rhs) returns 0, then compare(rhs, lhs) must also return 0
- If compare(lhs, rhs) returns a negative value, then compare(rhs, lhs) must return a positive value, and vice versa.
Note that the array is read-only only from the perspective of its public interface. Mutation methods are defined for internal use by sub-types.
@see SortedArray for a general-purpose mutable sorted array.
Extended by
- Iterable<T>
Name | Description | |
constructor<T>(compare: OrderedComparator<T>, duplicatePolicy: boolean | DuplicatePolicyfalse, clone: CloneFunction<T>shallowClone): ReadonlySortedArray<T> Protected | Construct a new ReadonlySortedArray |
_clear(): void Protected | Clears the contents of the sorted array. | |
_extractArray(): T[] Protected | Extracts the sorted array as a T[] and empties the contents of this ReadonlySortedArray. | |
_insert(value: T, onInsert?: (value: T) => any): number Protected | Attempts to insert a new value into the array at a position determined by the ordering. | |
_remove(value: T): number Protected | Removes the first occurrence of a value comparing equal to the specified value from the array. | |
[iterator](): Iterator<T, any, any> | Returns an iterator over the contents of the array in sorted order, suitable for use in for-of loops. |
contains(value: T): boolean | Returns true if this array contains at least one value comparing equal to the specified value. | |
findEqual(value: T): undefined | T | Looks up an element comparing equal to the specified value using binary search. | |
findEquivalent(criterion: (element: T) => number): undefined | T | Find an element that compares as equivalent based on some criterion. | |
forEach(func: (value: T) => void): void | Apply a function to each element in the array, in sorted order. | |
get(index: number): undefined | T | Looks up an element by its index in the array. | |
indexOf(value: T): number | Looks up the index of an element comparing equal to the specified value using binary search. | |
indexOfEquivalent(criterion: (element: T) => number): number | Find the index of an element that compares as equivalent based on some criterion. | |
lowerBound(value: T): { equal: boolean, index: number } Protected | Computes the position at which the specified value should be inserted to maintain sorted order. | |
slice(start?: number, end?: number): ReadonlySortedArray<T> | The equivalent of Array.slice. |
Name | Type | Description | |
_array Protected | T[] | ||
_clone Protected Readonly | CloneFunction<T> | ||
_compare Protected Readonly | OrderedComparator<T> | ||
_duplicatePolicy Protected Readonly | DuplicatePolicy | ||
isEmpty Accessor ReadOnly | boolean | Returns true if the array contains no elements. | |
length Accessor ReadOnly | number | The number of elements in the array |
Defined in
- core/bentley/src/SortedArray.ts Line 96
Last Updated: 21 February, 2025