IModelJsFs Class
File system operations that are defined on all platforms. See also Platform and KnownLocations
Name | Description | |
constructor(): IModelJsFs | ||
appendFileSync(pathname: string, str: string): void Static | Append to a file. | |
copySync(src: string, dest: string, opts?: any): void Static | Make a copy of a file | |
existsSync(pathname: string): boolean Static | Does file or directory exist? | |
lstatSync(pathname: string): undefined | IModelJsFsStats Static | Get information about a file. | |
mkdirSync(pathname: string): void Static | Create a directory. | |
purgeDirSync(dirPath: string): void Static | Remove a directory, recursively | |
readdirSync(pathname: string): string[] Static | Gets the file and directory names in the specified directory. | |
readFileSync(pathname: string): string | __global.Buffer Static | Read file | |
recursiveFindSync(rootDir: string, pattern: RegExp): string[] Static | Finds files recursively based on a pattern | |
recursiveMkDirSync(dirPath: string): void Static | Create a directory, recursively setting up the path as necessary | |
removeSync(pathname: string): void Static | Delete a file or remove a directory (rm -r). | |
rmdirSync(pathname: string): void Static | Remove a directory. | |
unlinkSync(pathname: string): void Static | Delete a file. | |
walkDirSync(rootDir: string, cb: (pathname: string, isDir: boolean) => boolean): void Static | Walks a directory in breadth first fashion | |
writeFileSync(pathname: string, data: string | Uint8Array, wflag: string"w"): void Static | Write to a file. |
Defined in
- core/backend/src/IModelJsFs.ts Line 36
Last Updated: 20 February, 2025
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