Name |
Description |
ArrayPropertiesFieldJSON |
Data structure for a ArrayPropertiesField serialized to JSON. |
ArrayPropertyValueConstraints |
Describes constraints for array type ECProperty values |
ArrayTypeDescription |
Type description for array properties. |
BaseFieldJSON |
Data structure for a Field serialized to JSON. |
BaseNodeKey |
Data structure that describes a basic node key |
BaseTypeDescription |
Data structure for base content field type description. |
BooleanRulesetVariable |
Data structure for representing boolean ruleset variables. |
CalculatedPropertiesSpecification |
This content modifier allows including additional calculated properties into the content. |
CategoryDescription |
A data structure that describes a Field category. |
CategoryDescriptionJSON |
Serialized CategoryDescription JSON representation. |
ChildNodeRule |
Child node rules are used to define child nodes in a hierarchy. |
ChildNodeSpecificationBase |
Base interface for all ChildNodeSpecification implementations. |
ClassGroup |
Base class grouping allows grouping ECInstance nodes by their base class (as opposed to the hierarchy |
ClassInfo |
Information about an ECClass |
ClientDiagnostics |
Data structure with client diagnostics information. |
ClientDiagnosticsAttribute |
Data structure which contains client diagnostics options. |
ClientDiagnosticsOptions |
Data structure for client diagnostics options. |
CompressedClassInfoJSON |
A serialized and compressed version of ClassInfo |
ComputeSelectionRequestOptions |
Request options used for calculating selection based on given instance keys and selection scope. |
ContentDescriptorRequestOptions |
Request type for content descriptor requests. |
ContentInstanceKeysRequestOptions |
Request type for content instance keys' requests. |
ContentInstancesOfSpecificClassesSpecification |
This specification creates content for all instances of specific ECClasses. |
ContentJSON |
Serialized Content JSON representation. |
ContentModifier |
Content modifiers are used to modify how instances of specified ECClasses are displayed in content which is |
ContentModifiersList |
Contains various rule attributes that allow modifying returned content. |
ContentRelatedInstancesSpecification |
Returns content for instances related to the selected (input) instances. |
ContentRequestOptions |
Request type for content requests. |
ContentRule |
Content rules are used to define content that is displayed for specific type of input. |
ContentSourcesRequestOptions |
Request type for content sources requests. |
ContentSourcesRpcResult |
Data structure for content sources RPC response. |
ContentSpecificationBase |
Base interface for all ContentSpecification implementations. |
CustomNodeSpecification |
Returns a static custom-defined node that's not based on an ECInstance. |
CustomQueryInstanceNodesSpecification |
Returns nodes for instances returned by a provided ECSQL query. |
CustomRendererSpecification |
This specification allows defining a custom renderer, which can be used to render properties or categories. |
DefaultGroupingPropertiesContainer |
A container of default grouping properties. |
DefaultPropertyCategoryOverride |
A rule that allows overriding the default property category. |
DescriptorJSON |
Serialized Descriptor JSON representation. |
DescriptorOverrides |
Descriptor overrides that can be used to customize content |
DescriptorSource |
Descriptor properties |
Diagnostics |
Data structure for diagnostics information. |
DiagnosticsLogMessage |
Data structure for diagnostics log message information. |
DiagnosticsOptions |
Data structure for diagnostics options. |
DiagnosticsScopeLogs |
Data structure for diagnostics scope information. |
DisabledSortingRule |
Rule to disable sorting for certain ECInstances in the hierarchy and/or content. |
DisplayLabelRequestOptions |
Request type for label requests |
DisplayLabelsRequestOptions |
Request type for labels requests |
DisplayValueGroup |
A group of raw values and their common display value. |
DisplayValuesArray |
An array of display values |
DisplayValuesMap |
A map of display values |
DistinctValuesRequestOptions |
Request type for distinct values' requests. |
ECClassGroupingNodeKey |
Data structure that describes an ECClass grouping node key |
ECInstancesNodeKey |
Data structure that describes a node ECInstance node key |
ECPropertyGroupingNodeKey |
Data structure that describes an ECProperty grouping node key |
ECPropertyValueQuerySpecification |
The specification specifies the name of the parent node instance property whose value is the ECSQL |
ECValueBinding |
Defines an EC value binding. |
ECValueSetBinding |
Defines a binding for a list of EC values for use with InVirtualSet ECSQL function. |
EditorDescription |
A data structure which describes property editor used |
ElementProperties |
Data structure for storing element properties information in a simplified format. |
ElementPropertiesArrayPropertyItemBase |
Base type for all ElementPropertiesArrayPropertyItem types. |
ElementPropertiesCategoryItem |
Definition for a category. |
ElementPropertiesItemBase |
Base type for all ElementPropertiesItem types. |
ElementPropertiesPrimitiveArrayPropertyItem |
Definition for a primitives' array property value. |
ElementPropertiesPrimitivePropertyItem |
Definition for a primitive property value. |
ElementPropertiesPropertyItemBase |
Base type for all ElementPropertiesPropertyItem types. |
ElementPropertiesStructArrayPropertyItem |
Definition for a structs' array property value. |
ElementPropertiesStructPropertyItem |
Definition for an struct property value. |
ElementSelectionScopeProps |
A data structure that defines properties for applying element selection scope. |
EnumerationChoice |
A single choice in enumeration |
EnumerationInfo |
Enumeration information |
ExtendedDataRule |
Extended data rule is used to inject some arbitrary data into presentation data objects (nodes, content records). |
FieldDescriptorBase |
Base for a field descriptor |
FieldHierarchy |
A data structure to define a hierarchy of Field objects. |
FilterByInstancePathsHierarchyRequestOptions |
Request type of filtering hierarchies by given ECInstance paths. |
FilterByTextHierarchyRequestOptions |
Request type of filtering hierarchies by given text. |
FormatOptions |
Options for finding a formatter spec to use in KoqPropertyValueFormatter. |
FormatsMap |
A data structure that associates specific phenomenon with one or more formatting props for specific unit system. |
GroupingNodeKey |
Data structure that describes a grouping node key |
GroupingRule |
Grouping rules provide advanced ways to group instances when creating hierarchies. |
GroupingSpecificationBase |
Base interface for all GroupingSpecification implementations. |
HierarchyCompareInfo |
Information about hierarchy modification / differences. |
HierarchyCompareOptions |
Data structure for comparing a hierarchy after ruleset or ruleset variable changes. |
HierarchyLevel |
Defines a hierarchy level that consists of an array of nodes and possibly other information. |
HierarchyLevelDescriptorRequestOptions |
Params for hierarchy level descriptor requests. |
HierarchyRequestOptions |
Request type for hierarchy requests. |
IContentVisitor |
An interface for a visitor that can be passed to the traverseContent function |
Id64RulesetVariable |
Data structure for representing ID ruleset variables. |
Id64sRulesetVariable |
Data structure for representing ID array ruleset variables. |
Id64sRulesetVariableJSON |
JSON representation of Id64sRulesetVariable. |
IdBinding |
Defines an Id64String value binding. |
IdCategoryIdentifier |
Identifier of a category specified through PropertyCategorySpecification in this scope. |
IdSetBinding |
Defines an IdSet value binding for use with InVirtualSet ECSQL function. |
InstanceFilterDefinition |
Definition of an instance filter that can be used to filter content or hierarchy levels. |
InstanceFilterRelatedInstancePath |
Partial definition of common attributes for InstanceFilterRelatedInstanceDefinition. |
InstanceFilterRelatedInstanceRelationshipAlias |
Partial definition of InstanceFilterRelatedInstanceDefinition for the case when referencing the relationship class. |
InstanceFilterRelatedInstanceTargetAlias |
Partial definition of InstanceFilterRelatedInstanceDefinition for the case when referencing the target class. |
InstanceKey |
A key that uniquely identifies an instance in an iModel |
InstanceLabelOverride |
Instance label override rule provides a way to set instance label to one of its property values, |
InstanceLabelOverrideBriefcaseIdSpecification |
Specification returns ECInstance's briefcase ID in base36 format. |
InstanceLabelOverrideClassLabelSpecification |
Specification uses ECClass display label as the label content. |
InstanceLabelOverrideClassNameSpecification |
Specification uses ECClass name as the label content. |
InstanceLabelOverrideCompositeValueSpecification |
Specification allows creating a label value composited using multiple other specifications. |
InstanceLabelOverrideLocalIdSpecification |
Specification returns ECInstance's local ID in base36 format. |
InstanceLabelOverridePropertyValueSpecification |
Specification uses property value as the label content. |
InstanceLabelOverrideRelatedInstanceLabelSpecification |
Specification uses label of another related instance as the label content. |
InstanceLabelOverrideStringValueSpecification |
Specification uses the specified value as the label content. |
InstanceLabelOverrideValueSpecificationBase |
Base interface for all InstanceLabelOverrideValueSpecification implementations. |
InstanceNodesOfSpecificClassesSpecification |
Returns nodes for instances of specific ECClasses. |
IntRulesetVariable |
Data structure for representing int ruleset variables. |
IntsRulesetVariable |
Data structure for representing int array ruleset variables. |
ItemJSON |
Serialized Item JSON representation. |
KeySetJSON |
A data structure of serialized KeySet |
KindOfQuantityInfo |
Kind of quantity information |
LabelCompositeValue |
Data structure that describes raw composite label value. |
LabelDefinition |
Data structure that describes label definition. |
LabelGroupingNodeKey |
Data structure that describes a display label grouping node key |
MultiElementPropertiesBaseRequestOptions |
Base request type for multiple elements properties requests. |
MultiElementPropertiesByClassRequestOptions |
Request type for multiple elements properties requests, where elements are specified by class. |
MultiElementPropertiesByIdsRequestOptions |
Request type for multiple elements properties requests, where elements are specified by element id. |
MultiSchemaClassesSpecification |
This specification lists ECClasses which should be targeted when creating content or hierarchy nodes. |
NamedFieldDescriptor |
Field descriptor that identifies a content field by its unique name. |
NavigationPropertyInfo |
A data structure for storing navigation property information. |
NavigationPropertyInfoJSON |
A serialized version of NavigationPropertyInfo |
NavigationPropertyValue |
Data structure that describes value of the navigation property. |
NavigationRuleBase |
Base class for all NavigationRule implementations. |
NestedContentFieldJSON |
Data structure for a NestedContentField serialized to JSON. |
NestedContentValue |
Data structure that describes nested content value. |
NoCategoryIdentifier |
Identifier for no category. |
Node |
Data structure that describes a tree node. |
NodeArtifactsRule |
Node artifacts rules are used to create and assign artifacts to specific nodes. |
NodeDeletionInfo |
Information about node deletion. |
NodeInsertionInfo |
Information about node insertion. |
NodePathElement |
Describes a single step in the nodes path. |
NodePathFilteringData |
Data related to node hierarchy filtering |
NodeUpdateInfo |
Information about node update. |
NumericPropertyValueConstraints |
Describes constraints for int |
PagedResponse |
A structure for paged responses |
PageOptions |
Paging options |
ParentCategoryIdentifier |
Identifier of the default parent category. |
PresentationQuery |
Data structure that describes a presentation query |
PresentationRpcResponseData |
Data structure for presentation RPC responses |
PrimitiveTypeDescription |
Type description for primitive properties. |
ProcessFieldHierarchiesProps |
Props for the processFieldHierarchies call. |
ProcessMergedValueProps |
Props for the processMergedValue call. |
ProcessPrimitiveValueProps |
Props for the processPrimitiveValue call. |
PropertiesFieldDescriptor |
Field descriptor that identifies a properties field using a list of |
PropertiesFieldJSON |
Data structure for a PropertiesField serialized to JSON. |
Property |
Data structure that describes a single ECProperty that's |
PropertyAccessor |
Data structure that describes one step of property |
PropertyCategorySpecification |
Content modifier for defining custom property categories. |
PropertyEditorJsonParameters |
Arbitrary JSON parameters for custom property editors |
PropertyEditorMultilineParameters |
Multiline parameters for property editors that support multiline display |
PropertyEditorParametersBase |
Base interface for PropertyEditorParameters. |
PropertyEditorRangeParameters |
Range parameters for property editors that support ranges |
PropertyEditorSliderParameters |
Slider parameters for property editors that support slider display |
PropertyEditorSpecification |
This specification allows assigning a custom property editor to specific properties. |
PropertyGroup |
Property grouping allows grouping by a property of the instance by value or by given ranges of values. |
PropertyInfo |
A structure that describes an ECProperty |
PropertyInfoJSON |
A serialized version of PropertyInfo |
PropertyJSON |
JSON representation of Property |
PropertyOverrides |
A container structure for possible property overrides |
PropertyRangeGroupSpecification |
Describes a grouping range. |
PropertySortingRule |
Rule to configure sorting for certain ECInstances in the hierarchy and/or content. |
PropertySpecification |
This specification allows overriding some attributes of specific ECProperty or define how it's displayed. |
QuerySpecificationBase |
Base interface for all QuerySpecification implementations. |
RelatedClassInfo |
A structure that describes a related class and the properties of that relationship. |
RelatedClassInfoJSON |
A serialized version of RelatedClassInfo |
RelatedInstanceByPathSpecification |
A type of RelatedInstanceSpecification that joins related instances by a relationship path. |
RelatedInstanceByTargetInstancesSpecification |
A type of RelatedInstanceSpecification that joins related instances by target class and instance IDs. |
RelatedInstanceNodesSpecification |
Produces ECInstance nodes that are related to some source ECInstance. |
RelatedInstanceSpecificationBase |
Defines base attributes for RelatedInstanceByPathSpecification and RelatedInstanceByTargetInstancesSpecification. |
RelatedPropertiesSpecification |
This specification allows including related instance properties into the content. |
RelationshipStepSpecification |
Specification of a single step in RelationshipPathSpecification. |
RendererDescription |
Describes property renderer used for a content Field. |
RepeatableRelationshipStepSpecification |
Specification of a single step in RepeatableRelationshipPathSpecification. |
RequestOptions |
A generic request options type used for both hierarchy and content requests. |
RequestOptionsWithRuleset |
Options for requests that require presentation ruleset. |
RequiredSchemaSpecification |
This specification is designed for specifying schema requirements for the Ruleset or specific |
RootCategoryIdentifier |
Identifier of the root category. |
RootNodeRule |
Root node rules are used to define nodes that are displayed at the root hierarchy level. |
RuleBase |
Base interface for all Rule implementations. |
Ruleset |
Presentation ruleset is a list of rules that define tree hierarchy and content provided by |
RulesetVariableBase |
Base data structure for representing ruleset variables. |
RulesetVariableBaseJSON |
JSON representation of RulesetVariableBase. |
SameLabelInstanceGroup |
Allows grouping multiple instances with the same label into one ECInstances type of node. |
SchemaCategoryIdentifier |
Identifier of a schema-based category, referenced by its full name. |
SchemasSpecification |
Specification for a list of ECSchemas |
SelectClassInfo |
Data structure that describes an ECClass in content Descriptor. |
SelectClassInfoJSON |
Serialized SelectClassInfo JSON representation |
SelectedNodeInstancesSpecification |
Returns content for selected (input) instances. |
SelectionInfo |
Data structure that contains selection information. |
SelectionScope |
Data structure that describes a selection scope. |
SelectionScopeRequestOptions |
Request options used for selection scope related requests |
SingleElementPropertiesRequestOptions |
Request type for single element properties requests. |
SingleSchemaClassSpecification |
This specification is used to point to specific ECClass. |
SortingRuleBase |
Sorting rules provide a way to either disable sorting or sort instances by specific properties. |
StartArrayProps |
Props for the startArray call. |
StartCategoryProps |
Props for the startCategory call. |
StartContentProps |
Props for the startContent call. |
StartFieldProps |
Props for the startField call. |
StartItemProps |
Props for the startItem call. |
StartStructProps |
Props for the startStruct call. |
StringPropertyValueConstraints |
Describes constraints for string type ECProperty values |
StringQuerySpecification |
The specification contains an ECSQL query which is used to query for instances. |
StringRulesetVariable |
Data structure for representing string ruleset variables. |
StrippedRelatedClassInfo |
Data structure that contains a subset of RelatedClassInfo required to |
StructFieldMemberDescription |
A data structure that describes a struct member. |
StructPropertiesFieldJSON |
Data structure for a StructPropertiesField serialized to JSON. |
StructTypeDescription |
Type description for struct properties. |
SubCondition |
This is a sub-rule which shares placement attributes and |
SupplementationInfo |
Contains supplementation-related information for |
UnitSystemFormat |
A data structure that associates unit systems with property value formatting props. |
UpdateInfo |
A data structure that describes changes that need to be applied to the hierarchy and |
ValuesArray |
An array of raw values |
ValuesDictionary |
A dictionary data structure. |
ValuesMap |
A map of raw values |
Variable |
Definition for single user-controllable variable |
VariablesGroup |
Presentation rules support variables that allow having additional customization of the hierarchy |