RelationshipClass Class

A Typescript class representation of a ECRelationshipClass.



Name Description
constructor(schema: Schema, name: string, modifier?: ECClassModifier): RelationshipClass    
createNavigationProperty(name: string, relationship: string | RelationshipClass, direction: string | StrengthDirection): Promise<NavigationProperty> Protected    
createNavigationPropertySync(name: string, relationship: string | RelationshipClass, direction: string | StrengthDirection): NavigationProperty Protected    
fromJSON(relationshipClassProps: RelationshipClassProps): Promise<void>    
fromJSONSync(relationshipClassProps: RelationshipClassProps): void    
toJSON(standalone: booleanfalse, includeSchemaVersion: booleanfalse): RelationshipClassProps Save this RelationshipClass's properties to an object for serializing to JSON.  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
addCustomAttribute(customAttribute: CustomAttribute): void Protected Inherited ECClass  
addProperty<T extends Property>(prop: T): T Protected Inherited ECClass Convenience method for adding an already loaded ECProperty used by create*Property methods.
buildPropertyCache(result: Property[], existingValues?: Map<string, number>, resetBaseCaches: booleanfalse): Promise<void> Protected Inherited ECClass  
buildPropertyCacheSync(result: Property[], existingValues?: Map<string, number>, resetBaseCaches: booleanfalse): void Protected Inherited ECClass  
createPrimitiveArrayProperty(name: string, primitiveType: PrimitiveType): Promise<PrimitiveArrayProperty> Protected Inherited ECClass Creates a PrimitiveArrayECProperty.
createPrimitiveArrayProperty(name: string, primitiveType: Enumeration): Promise<EnumerationArrayProperty> Protected Inherited ECClass  
createPrimitiveArrayPropertySync(name: string, primitiveType: PrimitiveType): PrimitiveArrayProperty Protected Inherited ECClass Creates a PrimitiveArrayECProperty.
createPrimitiveArrayPropertySync(name: string, primitiveType: Enumeration): EnumerationArrayProperty Protected Inherited ECClass  
createPrimitiveProperty(name: string, primitiveType: PrimitiveType): Promise<PrimitiveProperty> Protected Inherited ECClass Creates a PrimitiveECProperty.
createPrimitiveProperty(name: string, primitiveType: Enumeration): Promise<EnumerationProperty> Protected Inherited ECClass  
createPrimitivePropertySync(name: string, primitiveType: PrimitiveType): PrimitiveProperty Protected Inherited ECClass Creates a PrimitiveECProperty.
createPrimitivePropertySync(name: string, primitiveType: Enumeration): EnumerationProperty Protected Inherited ECClass  
createStructArrayProperty(name: string, structType: string | StructClass): Promise<StructArrayProperty> Protected Inherited ECClass  
createStructArrayPropertySync(name: string, structType: string | StructClass): StructArrayProperty Protected Inherited ECClass  
createStructProperty(name: string, structType: string | StructClass): Promise<StructProperty> Protected Inherited ECClass  
createStructPropertySync(name: string, structType: string | StructClass): StructProperty Protected Inherited ECClass  
getAllBaseClasses(): AsyncIterableIterator<ECClass, any, any> Inherited ECClass Iterates (recursively) over all base classes and mixins, in "property override" order.
getAllBaseClassesSync(): Iterable<AnyClass, any, any> Inherited ECClass  
getBaseClassSync(): undefined | ECClass Inherited ECClass  
getCustomAttributes(): Promise<> Inherited ECClass Retrieve all custom attributes in the current class and its bases
getCustomAttributesSync(): Inherited ECClass Retrieve all custom attributes in the current class and its bases.
getInheritedProperty(name: string): Promise<undefined | Property> Inherited ECClass Searches the base class, if one exists, for the property with the name provided.
getInheritedPropertySync(name: string): undefined | Property Inherited ECClass Searches the base class, if one exists, for the property with the name provided.
getProperties(resetCache: booleanfalse): Promise<Property[]> Inherited ECClass Iterates all properties, including the ones merged from base classes and mixins.
getPropertiesSync(resetCache: booleanfalse): Property[] Inherited ECClass Iterates all properties, including the ones merged from base classes and mixins.
getProperty(name: string, includeInherited: booleanfalse): Promise<undefined | Property> Inherited ECClass Searches, case-insensitive, for a local ECProperty with the name provided.
getPropertySync(name: string, includeInherited: booleanfalse): undefined | Property Inherited ECClass Searches, case-insensitive, for a local ECProperty with the name provided.
is(targetClass: string, schemaName: string): Promise<boolean> Inherited ECClass Indicates if the targetClass is of this type.
is(targetClass: ECClass): Promise<boolean> Inherited ECClass  
isSync(targetClass: ECClass): boolean Inherited ECClass A synchronous version of the, indicating if the targetClass is of this type.
loadPrimitiveType(primitiveType: string | PrimitiveType | Enumeration, schema: Schema): Promise<PrimitiveType | Enumeration> Protected Inherited ECClass  
loadPrimitiveTypeSync(primitiveType: string | PrimitiveType | Enumeration, schema: Schema): PrimitiveType | Enumeration Protected Inherited ECClass  
loadStructType(structType: string | StructClass, schema: Schema): Promise<StructClass> Protected Inherited ECClass  
loadStructTypeSync(structType: string | StructClass, schema: Schema): StructClass Protected Inherited ECClass  
traverseBaseClasses(callback: (ecClass: ECClass, arg?: any) => boolean, arg?: any): Promise<boolean> Inherited ECClass Asynchronously traverses through the inheritance tree, using depth-first traversal, calling the given callback
traverseBaseClassesSync(callback: (ecClass: ECClass, arg?: any) => boolean, arg?: any): boolean Inherited ECClass Synchronously traverses through the inheritance tree, using depth-first traversal, calling the given callback
equalByKey(thisSchemaItem: SchemaItem, thatSchemaItemOrKey?: SchemaItemKey | SchemaItem): boolean Static Inherited ECClass Indicates if the two SchemaItem objects are equal by comparing their respective key properties.
mergeProperties(target: Property[], existingValues: Map<string, number>, propertiesToMerge: Property[], overwriteExisting: boolean): void Protected Static Inherited ECClass  
parseFullName(fullName: string): [string, string] Static Inherited ECClass Parses the given full name, {schemaName}.{schemaItemName} or {schemaName}:{schemaItemName}, into two separate strings.


Name Type Description
_source Protected RelationshipConstraint    
_strength Protected StrengthType    
_strengthDirection Protected StrengthDirection    
_target Protected RelationshipConstraint    
schema Readonly Schema    
schemaItemType Readonly RelationshipClass    
source Accessor ReadOnly RelationshipConstraint    
strength Accessor ReadOnly StrengthType    
strengthDirection Accessor ReadOnly StrengthDirection    
target Accessor ReadOnly RelationshipConstraint    

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
_baseClass Protected Inherited LazyLoadedECClass | undefined ECClass  
_description Protected Inherited string | undefined ECClass  
_key Protected Inherited SchemaItemKey ECClass  
_label Protected Inherited string | undefined ECClass  
_modifier Protected Inherited ECClassModifier ECClass  
_properties Protected Inherited Map<string, Property> | undefined ECClass  
baseClass Accessor Inherited undefined | LazyLoadedECClass ECClass  
customAttributes Accessor Inherited ReadOnly undefined | ECClass  
description Accessor Inherited ReadOnly undefined | string ECClass  
fullName Accessor Inherited ReadOnly string ECClass  
key Accessor Inherited ReadOnly SchemaItemKey ECClass  
label Accessor Inherited ReadOnly undefined | string ECClass  
modifier Accessor Inherited ReadOnly ECClassModifier ECClass  
name Accessor Inherited ReadOnly string ECClass  
properties Accessor Inherited ReadOnly undefined | IterableIterator<Property, any, any> ECClass  

Defined in

Last Updated: 29 November, 2024