Path Class

  • A Path object is a collection of curves that join head-to-tail to form a path.
  • A Path object does not bound a planar region. Use Loop to indicate region bounding.

@see Curve Collections learning article.



Name Description
constructor(): Path Construct an empty path.  
announceToCurveProcessor(processor: RecursiveCurveProcessor, indexInParent: number-1): void Invoke processor.announcePath(this, indexInParent)  
cloneEmptyPeer(): Path Clone as a new Path with no primitives  
cloneStroked(options?: StrokeOptions): Path Return a deep copy, with leaf-level curve primitives stroked.  
closestPoint(spacePoint: Point3d, extend: VariantCurveExtendParameterfalse, result?: CurveLocationDetail): undefined | CurveLocationDetail Return the closest point on the contained curves.  
dgnBoundaryType(): number Return the boundary type (1) of a corresponding MicroStation CurveVector  
dispatchToGeometryHandler(handler: GeometryHandler): any Second step of double dispatch: call handler.handlePath(this)  
isSameGeometryClass(other: GeometryQuery): boolean Test if other is an instance of Path  
create(...curves: Point3d[] | CurvePrimitive[]): Path Static Create a path from a variable length list of curve primitives  
createArray(curves: CurvePrimitive[]): Path Static Create a path from a an array of curve primitives.  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
checkForNonLinearPrimitives(): boolean Inherited CurveChain Return true if the curve collection has any primitives other than LineSegment3d and LineString3d
childIndex(target: CurvePrimitive, alsoSearchProxies?: boolean): undefined | number Inherited CurveChain Return the index where target is found in the array of children.
clone(): CurveCollection Inherited CurveChain Return a deep copy.
cloneTransformed(transform: Transform): undefined | CurveCollection Inherited CurveChain Create a deep copy of transformed curves.
cloneWithExpandedLineStrings(): CurveCollection Inherited CurveChain Create a deep copy with all linestrings broken down into multiple LineSegment3d.
collectCurvePrimitives(collectorArray?: CurvePrimitive[], smallestPossiblePrimitives: booleanfalse, explodeLineStrings: booleanfalse): CurvePrimitive[] Inherited CurveChain Return an array containing all CurvePrimitives in the instance.
cyclicCurvePrimitive(index: number, cyclic: booleantrue): undefined | CurvePrimitive Inherited CurveChain Return the curve primitive at the given index, optionally using modulo to map index to the cyclic indexing.
endPoint(result?: Point3d): undefined | Point3d Inherited CurveChain Return the end point of the curve chain (end point of the last child).
endPointAndDerivative(result?: Ray3d): undefined | Ray3d Inherited CurveChain Return the end point and derivative of the last child of the curve chain.
extendRange(range: Range3d, transform?: Transform): void Inherited CurveChain Invoke curve.extendRange(range, transform) for each child
getChild(i: number): undefined | CurvePrimitive Inherited CurveChain Return a child by index
getPackedStrokes(options?: StrokeOptions): undefined | GrowableXYZArray Inherited CurveChain Stroke the chain into a simple xyz array.
isAlmostEqual(other: GeometryQuery): boolean Inherited CurveChain Test for exact structure and nearly identical geometry.
isAnyRegion(): this is AnyRegion Inherited CurveChain Type guard for AnyRegion
isLoop(): this is Loop Inherited CurveChain Type guard for Loop
isPath(): this is Path Inherited CurveChain Type guard for Path
maxGap(): number Inherited CurveChain Return the max gap between adjacent primitives in Path and Loop collections.
primitiveIndexAndFractionToCurveLocationDetailPointAndDerivative(index: number, fraction: number, cyclic: booleanfalse, result?: CurveLocationDetail): undefined | CurveLocationDetail Inherited CurveChain Evaluate an indexed curve at a fraction.
projectedParameterRange(ray: Vector3d | Ray3d, lowHigh?: Range1d): undefined | Range1d Inherited CurveChain Project instance geometry (via dispatch) onto the given ray, and return the extreme fractional parameters
range(transform?: Transform, result?: Range3d): Range3d Inherited CurveChain Return the range of the entire GeometryQuery tree.
reverseChildrenInPlace(): void Inherited CurveChain Reverse each child curve (in place).
reverseInPlace(): void Inherited CurveChain Same as reverseChildrenInPlace.
startPoint(result?: Point3d): undefined | Point3d Inherited CurveChain Return the start point of the curve chain (start point of the first child).
startPointAndDerivative(result?: Ray3d): undefined | Ray3d Inherited CurveChain Return the start point and derivative of the first child of the curve chain.
sumLengths(): number Inherited CurveChain Return the sum of the lengths of all contained curves.
tryAddChild(child: AnyCurve): boolean Inherited CurveChain Add a child curve.
tryTransformInPlace(transform: Transform): boolean Inherited CurveChain Apply transform recursively to children
tryTranslateInPlace(dx: number, dy: number0.0, dz: number0.0): boolean Inherited CurveChain Try to move the geometry by dx,dy,dz.
areAlmostEqual(a: GeometryQuery, b: GeometryQuery): boolean Static Inherited CurveChain Apply instance method isAlmostEqual if both are defined.
createCurveLocationDetailOnAnyCurvePrimitive(source: GeometryQuery, fraction: number0.5): undefined | CurveLocationDetail Static Inherited CurveChain Find any CurvePrimitive in the source and evaluate it at the given fraction.


Name Type Description
curveCollectionType Readonly "path" String name for schema properties  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
_curves Protected Inherited CurvePrimitive[] CurveChain The curve primitives in the chain.
children Accessor Inherited ReadOnly CurvePrimitive[] CurveChain Return the array of CurvePrimitive
geometryCategory Readonly Inherited "curveCollection" CurveChain String name for schema properties
isAnyRegionType Accessor Inherited ReadOnly boolean CurveChain Return true for planar region types:
* Loop
* ParityRegion
* UnionRegion
isClosedPath Accessor Inherited ReadOnly boolean CurveChain Return true for a single-loop planar region type, i.e. Loop.
* This is NOT a test for physical closure of a Path.
isInner Inherited boolean CurveChain Flag for inner loop status.
isOpenPath Accessor Inherited ReadOnly boolean CurveChain Return true for a Path, i.e. a chain of curves joined head-to-tail

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025