CurveFactory Class
The CurveFactory
class contains methods for specialized curve constructions.
Name | Description | |
constructor(): CurveFactory | ||
appendToArcInPlace(arcA: Arc3d, arcB: Arc3d, allowReverse: booleanfalse): boolean Static | If arcB is a continuation of arcA , extend arcA (in place) to include the range of arcB |
assembleArcChainOnEllipsoid(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid, pathPoints: GeodesicPathPoint[], fractionForIntermediateNormal: number0.5): Path Static | Return a Path containing arcs are on the surface of an ellipsoid and pass through a sequence of points. |
createArcFromSectionData(centerline: IndexedXYZCollection | Point3d[] | CurvePrimitive, sectionData: number | Readonly<WritableXAndY> | Arc3d): undefined | Arc3d Static | Create an Arc3d from sectionData that has its center at the start point of the centerline. |
createArcPointTangentPoint(start: Point3d, tangentAtStart: Vector3d, end: Point3d): undefined | Arc3d Static | Create a circular arc defined by start point, tangent at start point, and end point. | |
createArcPointTangentRadius(start: Point3d, tangentAtStart: Vector3d, radius: number, upVector?: Vector3d, sweep?: Angle | AngleSweep): undefined | Arc3d Static | Create a circular arc from start point, tangent at start, radius, optional plane normal, arc sweep. | |
createFilletsInLineString(points: IndexedXYZCollection | Point3d[] | LineString3d, radius: number | number[], allowBackupAlongEdge: booleantrue): undefined | Path Static | Construct a sequence of alternating lines and arcs with the arcs creating tangent transition between consecutive edges. | |
createLineSpiralArcSpiralLine(spiralType: IntegratedSpiralTypeName, pointA: Point3d, pointB: Point3d, pointC: Point3d, lengthA: number, lengthB: number, arcRadius: number): undefined | GeometryQuery[] Static | Compute 2 spirals and an arc (all in XY) for a symmetric line-to-line transition. | |
createLineSpiralSpiralLine(spiralType: IntegratedSpiralTypeName, startPoint: Point3d, shoulderPoint: Point3d, targetPoint: Point3d): undefined | GeometryQuery[] Static | Compute 2 spirals (all in XY) for a symmetric line-to-line transition. | |
createLineSpiralSpiralLineWithSpiralLength(spiralType: IntegratedSpiralTypeName, pointA: Point3d, pointB: Point3d, pointC: Point3d, spiralLength: number): undefined | GeometryQuery[] Static | Compute 2 spirals (all in XY) for a symmetric line-to-line transition. | |
createMiteredPipeSections(centerline: IndexedXYZCollection, sectionData: number | Readonly<WritableXAndY> | Arc3d): Arc3d[] Static | Create section arcs for mitered pipe. | |
createMiteredSweepSections(centerline: IndexedXYZCollection | Point3d[] | CurvePrimitive | CurveChain, initialSection: AnyCurve, options?: MiteredSweepOptions): undefined | SectionSequenceWithPlanes Static | Sweep the initialSection along each segment of the (stroked) centerline until it hits the bisector plane at |
createPipeSegments(centerline: CurvePrimitive | CurveChain, pipeRadius: number): undefined | GeometryQuery | GeometryQuery[] Static | Create solid primitives for pipe segments (e.g. | |
createRectangleXY(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, z: number0, filletRadius?: number): Loop Static | Create a Loop with given xy corners and fixed z. |
planePlaneIntersectionRay(planeA: PlaneAltitudeEvaluator, planeB: PlaneAltitudeEvaluator): undefined | Ray3d Static | Return the intersection point of 3 planes. |
Defined in
- curve/CurveFactory.ts Line 115
Last Updated: 21 February, 2025
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