Classes and components for working with a PropertyGrid.
Name | Description | |
CompositePropertyDataFilterer | Composite PropertyData filter which can join two filters using logic operators | |
DisplayValuePropertyDataFilterer | Property data filterer which matches on Primitive Property Record display value text. | |
FilteringPropertyDataProvider | IPropertyDataProvider implementation which filters wrapped provider PropertyData using passed IPropertyDataFilterer. | |
LabelPropertyDataFilterer | PropertyData filter which matches on any record type label and includes descendant nodes on match | |
MutableCategorizedArrayProperty | Mutable wrapper object for PropertyRecord with array valueFormat which provides methods for working with and managing record children hierarchies. | |
MutableCategorizedPrimitiveProperty | Mutable wrapper object for PropertyRecord with primitive valueFormat. | |
MutableCategorizedProperty | Base class for all Mutable CategorizedProperties | |
MutableCategorizedStructProperty | Mutable wrapper object for PropertyRecord with struct valueFormat which provides methods for working with and managing record children hierarchies. | |
MutableFlatPropertyGridItem | Base class for all FlatPropertyGrid items | |
MutableGridCategory | Mutable wrapper object for PropertyCategory which provides methods for working with and managing category and record children hierarchies | |
MutableGridItemFactory | Implementation of IMutableGridItemFactory for creating MutableGridItem objects. | |
MutablePropertyGridModel | Implementation of PropertyGridModel for working with and converting PropertyData to mutable FlatGridItems | |
PropertyCategoryBlock | PropertyCategoryBlock React component | |
PropertyCategoryDataFiltererBase | An abstract implementation of IPropertyDataFilterer that can be used as base for all | |
PropertyCategoryLabelFilterer | PropertyData filterer which matches on PropertyCategory's label. | |
PropertyCategoryRendererManager | Keeps a record of currently registered property category renderers and determines which renderers get invoked for | |
PropertyDataChangeEvent | An event broadcasted on property data changes | |
PropertyDataFiltererBase | An abstract implementation of IPropertyDataFilterer to share common behavior between different implementations. | |
PropertyFilterChangeEvent | An event broadcasted when property filter changes | |
PropertyGridEventHandler | Handles events and changes on PropertyGridModel data. | |
PropertyGridModelChangeEvent | An event broadcasted on property grid model changes | |
PropertyGridModelSource | Controls property grid model. | |
PropertyList | A React component that renders multiple properties within a category as a list. | |
PropertyRecordDataFiltererBase | An abstract implementation of IPropertyDataFilterer that can be used as base for all | |
SimplePropertyDataProvider | Implementation of [IPropertyDataProvider] that uses an associative array. | |
VirtualizedPropertyGrid | VirtualizedPropertyGrid React component. |
Name | Description | |
CompositeFilterType | Logical operator for composite filterer. | |
FilteredType | Enumeration of possible component filtered types | |
FlatGridItemType | Types of FlatGridItems for differentiating what property FlatGridItem is wrapping. |
Global Functions
Name | Description | |
usePropertyData | Custom hook that gets PropertyData from given IPropertyDataProvider and subscribes to further data changes. | |
usePropertyGridEventHandler | Custom hook that creates memoized version of PropertyGridEventHandler that modifies given modelSource | |
usePropertyGridModel | Custom hook that automatically listens and retrieves latest model from model source | |
usePropertyGridModelSource | Custom hook that creates a PropertyGridModelSource and subscribes it to data updates from the data provider. | Deprecated |
useTrackedPropertyGridModelSource | Custom hook that creates a PropertyGridModelSource and subscribes it to data updates from the data provider while also providing information on data update progress. | |
useVirtualizedPropertyGridLayoutStorage | Returns callbacks for persisting and restoring VirtualizedPropertyGrid layout state. | |
VirtualizedPropertyGridWithDataProvider | VirtualizedPropertyGrid React Component which takes a data provider and |
Name | Description | |
CategorizedPropertyItem | Data structure which describes methods and properties present on immutable CategorizedPropertyItem objects | |
CategoryRecordsDict | Category name to PropertyRecord[] key pair interface used to describe which records belong to which category. | |
CommonPropertyGridProps | Common Property Grid Props to be used by Property Grid Variants | |
FilteredPropertyData | Data returned by FilteringPropertyDataProvider | |
FlatGridItemBase | Base immutable data structure defining common methods and properties for categories and categorized properties | |
GridCategoryItem | Data structure which describes methods and properties present on immutable GridCategoryItem | |
IMutableCategorizedPropertyItem | Data structure which describes methods and properties to be held by Mutable CategorizedPropertyItems | |
IMutableFlatPropertyGridItem | Base mutable data structure defining common methods and properties for both CategorizedProperties and GridCategoryItems | |
IMutableGridCategoryItem | Data structure which describes methods and properties to be held by Mutable GridCategoryItems | |
IMutableGridItemFactory | IMutableGridItemFactory interface for creating MutableGridItem objects | |
IMutablePropertyGridModel | PropertyGridModel interface for working with mutable FlatGridItems | |
IPropertyDataFilterer | An interface for a filterer that filters PropertyData based on content of PropertyRecord | |
IPropertyDataProvider | An interface for property data provider which returns | |
IPropertyGridEventHandler | Handles events and changes on PropertyGridModel data. | |
IPropertyGridModel | PropertyGridModel interface for working with immutable FlatGridItems | |
IPropertyGridModelSource | ||
PropertyCategory | Contains metadata about a group of Properties. | |
PropertyCategoryBlockProps | Properties for the PropertyCategoryBlock React component | |
PropertyCategoryRendererProps | Props that property category renderer receives. | |
PropertyData | Interface for property data provided to the PropertyGrid React component. | |
PropertyDataFilterResult | Data structure for storing IPropertyDataFilterer matching results | |
PropertyEditingArgs | Arguments for the Property Editing event callback | |
PropertyGridContentHighlightProps | Properties for highlighting text in property grid. | |
PropertyGridContextMenuArgs | Arguments for PropertyGridProps.onPropertyContextMenu callback |
PropertyListProps | Properties of PropertyList React component | |
VirtualizedPropertyGridContext | Context of the surrounding VirtualizedPropertyGrid component. | |
VirtualizedPropertyGridProps | Properties for VirtualizedPropertyGrid React component | |
VirtualizedPropertyGridWithDataProviderProps | Properties for VirtualizedPropertyGridWithDataProvider React component |
Type Aliases
Name | Description | |
CategorizedPropertyTypes | Type which extracts FlatGridItemTypes relevant for working with CategorizedProperties | |
FlatGridItem | Type which describes immutable GridCategoryItem or CategorizedPropertyItem | |
IMutableFlatGridItem | Type which describes mutable GridCategoryItem or CategorizedProperty | |
PropertyCategoryRenderer | Factory function that produces custom property category components. | |
PropertyDataChangesListener | A signature for property data change listeners | |
PropertyFilterChangesListener | A signature for property data change listeners | |
PropertyGridModelChangeListener | A signature for property grid model change listeners |
Last Updated: 08 August, 2024
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