Unit Class
An abstract class that adds the ability to define Units and everything that goes with them, within an ECSchema as a
first-class concept is to allow the iModel to not be dependent on any hard-coded Units
Inherited methods
Name |
Inherited from |
Description |
equalByKey(thisSchemaItem: SchemaItem, thatSchemaItemOrKey?: SchemaItemKey | SchemaItem): boolean Static Inherited |
SchemaItem |
Indicates if the two SchemaItem objects are equal by comparing their respective key properties. |
parseFullName(fullName: string): [string, string] Static Inherited |
SchemaItem |
Parses the given full name, {schemaName}.{schemaItemName} or {schemaName}:{schemaItemName}, into two separate strings. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
_definition Protected |
string |
_denominator Protected |
number | undefined |
_numerator Protected |
number | undefined |
_offset Protected |
number | undefined |
_phenomenon Protected |
LazyLoadedPhenomenon | undefined |
_unitSystem Protected |
LazyLoadedUnitSystem | undefined |
definition Accessor ReadOnly |
string |
denominator Accessor ReadOnly |
number |
hasDenominator Accessor ReadOnly |
boolean |
hasNumerator Accessor ReadOnly |
boolean |
hasOffset Accessor ReadOnly |
boolean |
numerator Accessor ReadOnly |
number |
offset Accessor ReadOnly |
number |
phenomenon Accessor ReadOnly |
undefined | LazyLoadedPhenomenon |
schemaItemType Readonly |
Unit |
unitSystem Accessor ReadOnly |
undefined | LazyLoadedUnitSystem |
Inherited properties
Defined in
Last Updated: 11 March, 2025