createMiteredSweepSections MethodStatic

Sweep the initialSection along each segment of the (stroked) centerline until it hits the bisector plane at the next vertex.

  • For best results, the caller should place initialSection in a plane perpendicular to the centerline start tangent.
    • This plane is commonly (but not necessarily) through the centerline start point itself.
    • To compute the sections, initialSection is projected in the direction of the centerline start tangent onto the first bisector plane at the centerline start. The result of this projection will be likewise projected onto the second plane, and so on in sequence.
  • By default, the first/last bisector plane normals are set to the centerline start/end tangents. The caller can override these with tangents supplied in options. If the centerline is physically closed and options.wrapIfPhysicallyClosed is true, the first and last plane normals are averaged and equated.
  • The centerline path does NOT have to be planar, however non-planarity will result in twisting of the sections in the bisector planes.

createMiteredSweepSections(centerline: IndexedXYZCollection | Point3d[] | CurvePrimitive | CurveChain, initialSection: AnyCurve, options?: MiteredSweepOptions): undefined | SectionSequenceWithPlanes

@returns array of sections, formed from projecting initialSection successively onto the bisector planes.

Parameter Type Description
centerline IndexedXYZCollection | Point3d[] | CurvePrimitive | CurveChain sweep path. Will be stroked if smooth.
initialSection AnyCurve profile curve to be swept. As noted above, this should be on a plane perpendicular to the
centerline start tangent.
options MiteredSweepOptions options for computation and output.

Returns - undefined | SectionSequenceWithPlanes

array of sections, formed from projecting initialSection successively onto the bisector planes.

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025