Vector2d Class
2D vector with x
as properties
Name | Description | |
constructor(x: number0, y: number0): Vector2d | ||
angleTo(vectorB: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): Angle | Return the (strongly typed) signed angle from this to vectorB. | |
clone(result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return a new Vector2d with the same x,y | |
crossProduct(vectorB: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): number | Vector cross product {this CROSS vectorB} | |
dotProduct(vectorB: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): number | Return the dot product of this with vectorB | |
dotProductStartEnd(pointA: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, pointB: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): number | Dot product with vector from pointA to pointB | |
fractionOfProjectionToVector(target: Vector2d, defaultFraction?: number): number | Return fractional length of the projection of the instance onto the target vector. | |
interpolate(fraction: number, vectorB: Vector2d, result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return a vector computed at fractional position between this vector and vectorB | |
isParallelTo(other: Vector2d, oppositeIsParallel: booleanfalse, returnValueIfAnInputIsZeroLength: booleanfalse, options?: PerpParallelOptions): boolean | Test if this vector is parallel to other. | |
isPerpendicularTo(other: Vector2d, returnValueIfAnInputIsZeroLength: booleanfalse, options?: PerpParallelOptions): boolean | Test if this vector is perpendicular to other. | |
minus(vector: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return {this - vector}. | |
negate(result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return a new vector with components negated from this instance. | |
normalize(result?: Vector2d): undefined | Vector2d | Return a unit vector in direction of this instance (undefined if this instance has near zero length) | |
plus(vector: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return {this + vector}. | |
plus2Scaled(vectorA: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, scalarA: number, vectorB: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, scalarB: number, result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return {point + vectorA * scalarA + vectorB * scalarB} | |
plus3Scaled(vectorA: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, scalarA: number, vectorB: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, scalarB: number, vectorC: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, scalarC: number, result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return {this + vectorA * scalarA + vectorB * scalarB + vectorC * scalarC} | |
plusScaled(vector: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, scaleFactor: number, result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return {point + vector * scalar} | |
radiansTo(vectorB: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): number | Return the radians (as a simple number, not strongly typed Angle) signed angle from this to vectorB. | |
rotate90CCWXY(result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return a vector same length as this but rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise | |
rotate90CWXY(result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return a vector same length as this but rotated 90 degrees clockwise | |
rotateXY(angle: Angle, result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return a new Vector2d rotated CCW by given angle | |
safeDivideOrNull(denominator: number, result?: Vector2d): undefined | Vector2d | Return a (new or optionally reused) vector which is this divided by denominator |
scale(scale: number, result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return {this * scale} | |
scaleToLength(length: number, result?: Vector2d): undefined | Vector2d | Return a vector parallel to this but with specified length | |
unitPerpendicularXY(result?: Vector2d): Vector2d | Return a unit vector perpendicular to this instance. | |
create(x: number0, y: number0, result?: Vector2d): Vector2d Static | Return a new Vector2d with given x and y | |
createFrom(data: Float64Array | Readonly<WritableXAndY>, result?: Vector2d): Vector2d Static | Copy contents from another Point3d, Point2d, Vector2d, or Vector3d, or leading entries of Float64Array | |
createOffsetBisector(unitPerpA: Vector2d, unitPerpB: Vector2d, offset: number): undefined | Vector2d Static | Return a vector that bisects the angle between two normals and extends to the intersection of two offset lines | |
createPolar(r: number, theta: Angle): Vector2d Static | Return a new Vector2d from polar coordinates for radius and Angle from x axis | |
createStartEnd(point0: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, point1: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, result?: Vector2d): Vector2d Static | Return a new Vector2d extending from point0 to point1 | |
createZero(result?: Vector2d): Vector2d Static | Return a Vector2d with components 0,0 | |
fromJSON(json?: XYProps): Vector2d Static | Set x and y from a JSON input such as [1,2] or {x:1, y:2} |
unitX(scale: number1): Vector2d Static | Return a (new) Vector2d with components scale,0 | |
unitY(scale: number1): Vector2d Static | Return a (new) Vector2d with components 0,scale |
Inherited methods
Name | Inherited from | Description |
at(index: number): number Inherited | XY | Return the x,y component corresponding to 0,1 |
distance(other: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): number Inherited | XY | Return the distance from this point to other |
distanceSquared(other: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): number Inherited | XY | Return squared distance from this point to other |
freeze(): Readonly<Vector2d> Inherited | XY | Freeze this instance so it is read-only |
indexOfMaxAbs(): number Inherited | XY | Return the index (0,1) of the x,y component with largest absolute value |
isAlmostEqual(other: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, tol?: number): boolean Inherited | XY | Returns true if this and other have equal x,y parts within Geometry.smallMetricDistance. |
isAlmostEqualMetric(other: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, distanceTol: numberGeometry.smallMetricDistance): boolean Inherited | XY | Returns true if x,y match other within metric tolerance |
isAlmostEqualXY(x: number, y: number, tol?: number): boolean Inherited | XY | Returns true if this and other have equal x,y parts within Geometry.smallMetricDistance. |
isExactEqual(other: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): boolean Inherited | XY | Returns true if the x,y components are exactly equal. |
magnitude(): number Inherited | XY | Return the magnitude of the vector |
magnitudeSquared(): number Inherited | XY | Return the squared magnitude of the vector. |
maxAbs(): number Inherited | XY | Return the largest absolute value of any component |
maxDiff(other: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): number Inherited | XY | Return the largest absolute distance between corresponding components |
set(x: number0, y: number0): void Inherited | XY | Set both x and y. |
setAt(index: number, value: number): void Inherited | XY | Set value at index 0 or 1 |
setFrom(other?: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): void Inherited | XY | Set both x and y from other. |
setFromJSON(json?: XYProps): void Inherited | XY | Set x and y from a JSON input such as [1,2] or {x:1, y:2} |
setZero(): void Inherited | XY | Set both x and y to zero |
toJSON(): XYProps Inherited | XY | Return a json array [x,y] |
toJSONXY(): XYProps Inherited | XY | Return a json object {x: 1, y:2} |
unitVectorTo(other: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, result?: Vector2d): undefined | Vector2d Inherited | XY | Return a unit vector from this point to other |
vectorTo(other: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, result?: Vector2d): Vector2d Inherited | XY | Return a (full length) vector from this point to other |
crossProductToPoints(origin: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, targetA: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, targetB: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): number Static Inherited | XY | Cross product of vectors from origin to targets |
Inherited properties
Name | Type | Inherited from | Description |
isAlmostZero Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | XY | Returns true if the x,y components are both small by metric metric tolerance |
isZero Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | XY | Return true if the x and y components are all exactly zero |
x Inherited | number | XY | x component |
y Inherited | number | XY | y component |
Defined in
- geometry3d/Point2dVector2d.ts Line 364
Last Updated: 06 March, 2025
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