EllipsoidTerrainProvider Class

A terrain mesh provider that produces geometry that represents a smooth ellipsoid without any height perturbations. The area within the project extents are represented as planar tiles and other tiles are facetted approximations of the WGS84 ellipsoid. This is the terrain provider used when the background map is enabled but 3d terrain is disabled.



Name Description
constructor(opts: TerrainMeshProviderOptions): EllipsoidTerrainProvider Construct a new terrain provider.  
getChildHeightRange(_quadId: QuadId, _rectangle: MapCartoRectangle, _parent: MapTile): undefined | Range1d Implements getChildHeightRange to return an empty range, because the ellipsoid is smooth.  
requestMeshData(): Promise<TileRequest.Response> Implements requestMeshData to return an empty string because the mesh can be generated  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
addLogoCards(_cards: HTMLTableElement, _vp: ScreenViewport): void Inherited TerrainMeshProvider Add attribution logo cards for the terrain data supplied by this provider to the Viewport's logo div.
forceTileLoad(_tile: MapTile): boolean Inherited TerrainMeshProvider Returns true if the specified tile should always be loaded.
isTileAvailable(_quadId: QuadId): boolean Inherited TerrainMeshProvider Return whether terrain data can be obtained for the MapTile specified by quadId.


Name Type Description
maxDepth Accessor ReadOnly number Implements maxDepth to return a fixed maximum depth of 22.  
tilingScheme Accessor ReadOnly MapTilingScheme Implements tilingScheme.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025