QParams2d Class

Parameters used for Quantization of 2d points such that the x and y components are each quantized to 16-bit unsigned integers.

@see - QPoint2d for the quantized representation of a Point2d.


Name Description
clone(out?: QParams2d): QParams2d Create a copy of these params.  
copyFrom(src: QParams2d): void Set origin and scale from src.  
isQuantizable(point: Point2d): boolean Return true if the point point is quantizable using these parameters.  
setFromRange(range: Range2d, rangeScale: numberQuantization.rangeScale16): void Initialize these parameters to support quantization of values within the specified range.  
unquantize(x: number, y: number, out?: Point2d): Point2d Return the unquantized point for the input x and y components.  
fromNormalizedRange(rangeScale: numberQuantization.rangeScale16): QParams2d Static Creates parameters supporting quantization of values within the range [-1.0, 1.0], appropriate for normalized 2d vectors.  
fromOriginAndScale(originX: number, originY: number, scaleX: number, scaleY: number): QParams2d Static Create parameters from origin and scale components  
fromRange(range: Range2d, out?: QParams2d, rangeScale: numberQuantization.rangeScale16): QParams2d Static Create parameters to support quantization of values within the specified range.  
fromZeroToOne(rangeScale: numberQuantization.rangeScale16): QParams2d Static Create parameters supporting quantization of values within the range [0.0, 1.0].  


Name Type Description
origin Readonly Point2d The origin of the quantization range.  
rangeDiagonal Accessor ReadOnly Vector2d The diagonal of the unquantized range represented by these parameters.  
scale Readonly Point2d The scale applied to coordinates to quantize them.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025