IModelJson.TransitionSpiralProps Interface
Interface for spiral
- Any 4 (but not 5) of the 5 values
[startBearing, endBearing, startRadius, endRadius, length]
may be defined. - In radius data, zero radius indicates straight line (infinite radius)
- Note that the inherited AxesProps allows multiple ways to specify orientation of the placement..
Name | Type | Description | |
activeFractionInterval | number[] | undefined | Fractional part of active interval. | |
endBearing | AngleProps | undefined | End bearing. | |
endRadius | number | undefined | Radius at end (0 for straight line) | |
length | number | undefined | length along curve. | |
origin | XYZProps | origin of the coordinate system. | |
startBearing | AngleProps | undefined | angle at departure from origin. | |
startRadius | number | undefined | Radius at start (0 for straight line) | |
type | string | undefined | TransitionSpiral type. |
Inherited properties
Name | Type | Inherited from | Description |
xyVectors Inherited | [XYZProps, XYZProps] | undefined | IModelJson.AxesProps | Cartesian coordinate directions defined by X direction then Y direction. |
yawPitchRollAngles Inherited | YawPitchRollProps | undefined | IModelJson.AxesProps | See YawPitchAngles class for further information about using 3 rotations to specify orientation. |
zxVectors Inherited | [XYZProps, XYZProps] | undefined | IModelJson.AxesProps | Cartesian coordinate directions defined by Z direction then X direction. |
Defined in
- serialization/IModelJsonSchema.ts Line 331
Last Updated: 21 February, 2025
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