edgeIndexToFaceLoop Method

Given an edgeIndex (index into data.pointIndex), return the range of the edgeIndices of the containing facet.

  • A "face loop" is a contiguous block of edgeIndices in the polyface index arrays representing a facet.
  • If an edge with edgeIndex k is found in the facet with facetIndex f, then the returned range r satisfies r.low = this.facetIndex0(f) <= k < this.facetIndex1(f) = r.high and can be used to iterate the facet's face loop, e.g.:
    for (let k1 = r.low; k1 < r.high; k1++) {
    const edgeIndex = myPolyface.data.pointIndex[k1];
    // process this edge

edgeIndexToFaceLoop(k: number): undefined | Range1d

Parameter Type Description
k number  

Returns - undefined | Range1d

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025