createFilletsInLineString MethodStatic

Construct a sequence of alternating lines and arcs with the arcs creating tangent transition between consecutive edges.

  • If the radius parameter is a number, that radius is used throughout.
  • If the radius parameter is an array of numbers, radius[i] is applied at point[i].
    • Note that since no fillet is constructed at the initial or final point, those entries in radius[] are never referenced.
    • A zero radius for any point indicates to leave the as a simple corner.

createFilletsInLineString(points: IndexedXYZCollection | Point3d[] | LineString3d, radius: number | number[], allowBackupAlongEdge: booleantrue): undefined | Path

Parameter Type Description
points IndexedXYZCollection | Point3d[] | LineString3d point source
radius number | number[] fillet radius or array of radii indexed to correspond to the points.
allowBackupAlongEdge boolean true to allow edges to be created going "backwards" along edges if needed to create the blend.

Returns - undefined | Path

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025