createFromMatrix3d MethodStatic

Attempts to create a YawPitchRollAngles object from a Matrix3d.

createFromMatrix3d(matrix: Matrix3d, result?: YawPitchRollAngles): undefined | YawPitchRollAngles

@returns computed angles, or undefined if matrix is not rigid.

  • Even when undefined is returned, result (if supplied) is populated with angles that may be used with caution: their usefulness decreases the further matrix is from being rigid.
Parameter Type Description
matrix Matrix3d rigid matrix to process. Caller can test for rigidity with isRigid and
ensure rigid input with createRigidFromMatrix3d or makeRigid.
result YawPitchRollAngles optional pre-allocated object to populate and return.

Returns - undefined | YawPitchRollAngles

computed angles, or undefined if matrix is not rigid.

  • Even when undefined is returned, result (if supplied) is populated with angles that may be used with caution: their usefulness decreases the further matrix is from being rigid.

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025