createGeodesicPath MethodStatic
createGeodesicPath(originalEllipsoid: Ellipsoid, startAngles: LongitudeLatitudeNumber, endAngles: LongitudeLatitudeNumber, density: number | Angle): undefined | GeodesicPathPoint[]
Parameter | Type | Description |
originalEllipsoid | Ellipsoid | Given start and endpoints on an ellipsoid, compute points along a near-optimal shortest path. * The points are located so that at each point the local surface normal is contained in the plane of the point and its two neighbors. |
startAngles | LongitudeLatitudeNumber | angles for the start of the path |
endAngles | LongitudeLatitudeNumber | angles for the end of the path |
density | number | Angle | If this is a number, it is the requested edge count. If this is an angle, it ias an angular spacing measured in the great arc through the two points. |
Returns - undefined | GeodesicPathPoint[]
Defined in
- geometry3d/Ellipsoid.ts Line 1039
Last Updated: 21 February, 2025
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