approximateMinimumLengthSectionArc MethodStatic

Construct various section arcs (on the ellipsoid), using planes that (a) pass through the two given points and (b) have in-plane vector sampled between the normals of the two points.

  • Each candidate ellipse has is in a plane with ellipsoid normal at vector constructed "between" the endpoint normals.
  • The intermediate construction is by interpolation between stated fractions (which maybe outside 0 to 1)

approximateMinimumLengthSectionArc(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid, angleA: LongitudeLatitudeNumber, angleB: LongitudeLatitudeNumber, numSample: number, normalInterpolationFraction0: number, normalInterpolationFraction1: number): undefined | { minLengthArc: Arc3d, minLengthNormalInterpolationFraction: number }

Parameter Type Description
ellipsoid Ellipsoid  
angleA LongitudeLatitudeNumber start point of all candidates
angleB LongitudeLatitudeNumber end point of all candidates
numSample number number of ellipses to construct as candidates.
normalInterpolationFraction0 number  
normalInterpolationFraction1 number  

Returns - undefined | { minLengthArc: Arc3d, minLengthNormalInterpolationFraction: number }

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025