TerrainProviderRegistry Class

A registry of TerrainProviders identified by their unique names. The registry can be accessed via terrainProviderRegistry. It always includes the built-in provider named "CesiumWorldTerrain", which obtains terrain meshes from Cesium ION. That provider requires a valid TileAdmin.Props.cesiumIonKey to be supplied to startup. Any number of additional providers can be registered.

When terrain is enabled for a Viewport, the display system will attempt to look up the TerrainProvider corresponding to the TerrainSettings.providerName specified by the Viewport's DisplayStyleSettings. If a provider by that name is registered, it will be used to obtain terrain meshes; otherwise, the display system will produce flat terrain meshes.


Name Description
find(name: string): undefined | TerrainProvider Look up a registered TerrainProvider by its name.  
register(name: string, provider: TerrainProvider): void Register a new TerrainProvider.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025