BoundingSphere Class

Describes a spherical volume of space as an approximation of the shape of some more complex geometric entity fully contained within that volume. When performing tests for intersection or containment, the approximation can be used as a first, quick check.

@see computeContainment, for example.


Name Description
constructor(center: Point3d..., radius: number0): BoundingSphere Create a new bounding sphere with the specified center and radius.  
init(center: Point3d, radius: number): void Change the center and radius of the sphere.  
transformBy(transform: Transform, result?: BoundingSphere): BoundingSphere Applies the specified transformation matrix to produce a new bounding sphere.  
transformInPlace(transform: Transform): void Apply the specified transform to this bounding sphere.  


Name Type Description
center Point3d The point at the center of the sphere.  
radius number The radius of the sphere.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025