
APIs for producing low-level graphics primitives from element geometry.


Name Description  
ExportGraphicsMeshVisitor * Iterator to walk the facets of an ExportGraphicsMesh and present them to the world as if visiting a Polyface.  


Name Description  
ExportGraphicsInfo Info provided to ExportGraphicsFunction about graphics.  
ExportGraphicsLines A collection of line segments, suitable for direct use with graphics APIs.  
ExportGraphicsMesh A triangulated mesh with unified indices, suitable for direct use with graphics APIs.  
ExportGraphicsOptions Parameters for IModelDb.exportGraphics  
ExportLinesInfo Info provided to ExportLinesFunction about linework graphics.  
ExportPartDisplayInfo Information about the base display properties when a GeometryPart was  
ExportPartGraphicsOptions Parameters for IModelDb.exportPartGraphics  
ExportPartInfo Info provided to ExportPartFunction about graphics.  
ExportPartInstanceInfo Information about references to GeometryPart elements found during  
ExportPartLinesInfo Info provided to ExportPartFunction about line graphics.  


Name Description  
ExportGraphics Provides utility functions for working with data generated by IModelDb.exportGraphics  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
ExportGraphicsFunction A callback function that receives generated graphics.  
ExportLinesFunction A callback function that receives generated line graphics.  
ExportPartFunction A callback function that receives generated graphics for a GeometryPart.  
ExportPartLinesFunction A callback function that receives generated line graphics for a GeometryPart.  

Last Updated: 13 May, 2024