UiLayoutDataProvider Class
Extended by
Name |
Description |
constructor(): UiLayoutDataProvider |
applyUiPropertyChange(_updatedValue: DialogPropertySyncItem): void |
Applies change of a single property - this is the default method used when property editors are dynamically generated. |
loadItemsInternal(items: ReadonlyArray<DialogItem>): void Protected |
processChangesInUi(properties: DialogPropertyItem[]): PropertyChangeResult |
Applies changes from one or more properties - some dialogs will use this to send a bulk set of changes back to the provider |
reloadDialogItems(emitEvent: booleantrue): void |
Called to inform listeners that new properties are ready for display in UI. |
supplyDialogItems(): undefined | DialogItem[] |
Called by UI to request available properties that can be bound to user supplied UI components (See Tool1UiProvider for example). |
editorWantsLabel(item: DialogItem): boolean Static |
Determines if a dialog item editor wants a label |
getItemDisabledState(baseDialogItem: BaseDialogItem): boolean Static |
Gets the disabled state for a given dialog item |
getPropertyRecord(dialogItem: BaseDialogItem): PropertyRecord Static |
Gets a property record for a given dialog item |
hasAssociatedLockProperty(item: DialogItem): boolean Static |
Determines if a dialog items has an associated lock property |
onlyContainButtonGroupEditors(row: DialogRow): boolean Static |
Determines if a dialog row only contains button group editors |
Inherited methods
Name |
Type |
Description |
items Accessor ReadOnly |
ReadonlyArray<DialogItem> |
rows Accessor ReadOnly |
DialogRow[] |
Array of dialog rows |
Inherited properties
Defined in
Last Updated: 21 February, 2025