WebGLRenderCompatibilityStatus Enumeration

An enumeration that describes a general "compatibility rating" based on the contents of a WebGLRenderCompatibilityInfo.


Name Value Description
AllOkay Signifies that everything is ideal: context created successfully, all required and optional features are available,
and browser did not signal a major performance caveat.
CannotCreateContext Signifies an inability to create either a canvas or a WebGL rendering context; rendering cannot occur. Consult
contextErrorMessage for a possible description of what went wrong.
MajorPerformanceCaveat Signifies that the base requirements of compatibility are met but WebGL reported a major performance caveat. The browser
has likely fallen back to software rendering due to lack of a usable GPU.
Consult contextErrorMessage for a possible description of what went wrong.
There could also be some missing optional features; consult the contents of missingOptionalFeatures.
MissingOptionalFeatures Signifies that the base requirements of compatibility are met but at least some optional features are missing.
Consult the contents of missingOptionalFeatures.
MissingRequiredFeatures Signifies that the base requirements of compatibility are not met; rendering cannot occur.
Consult the contents of missingRequiredFeatures.

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025