WebGLFeature Enumeration

Enumerates the required and optional WebGL features used by the RenderSystem.


Name Value Description
AntiAliasing This feature allows the renderer to smooth curved lines.
DepthTexture This feature allows for the display of non-3D classification data and solar shadows.
FloatRendering This feature allows transparency to achieve the optimal quality. Without this feature, overlapping transparent geometry will "wash out" more easily.
FragDepth This feature allows a logarithmic depth buffer to be used. Without this feature, z-fighting will be much more likely to occur.
Instancing This feature allows instancing of repeated geometry, which can reduce memory consumption.
MinimalTextureUnits This feature indicates that the system has enough texture units available for the shaders to run properly.
MrtPick This feature allows picking to occur more efficiently, using 1 pass instead of 3.
MrtTransparency This feature allows transparent geometry to be rendered more efficiently, using 1 pass instead of 2.
ShadowMaps Indicates that shadow maps are supported. Without this feature, shadows cannot be displayed.
StandardDerivatives This feature allows the renderer to achieve accurate contour lines for isoline and stepped delimiter modes of thematic display.
UintElementIndex This feature ensures large meshes (with more than 21,845 triangles) can be rendered.

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025