isMarkerVisible Method

Customize which markers are visible. HyperModelingDecorator determines marker visibility as follows:

  • If a marker is currently active (selected), only that marker is visible.
  • Otherwise, the marker is visible if this method returns true. The default implementation of this method determines visibility based on the SectionMarkerConfig as follows.
  • If the marker is of a type included in the config's hiddenSectionTypes, it is invisible.
  • If the marker belongs to a model not currently displayed in the viewport and the config's ignoreModelSelector is false, it is invisible.
  • If the marker belongs to a category not currently displayed in the viewport and the config's ignoreCategorySelector is false, it is invisible,
  • Otherwise, the marker is visible, unless this method returns false. The default implementation of this method always returns true

isMarkerVisible(marker: SectionMarker, decorator: HyperModelingDecorator, config: SectionMarkerConfig): boolean

@returns true if the marker should be displayed; false to make it invisible.

@see requestSync to force the decorator to reevaluate marker visibility when the criterion used by your implementation of this method changes.

Parameter Type Description
marker SectionMarker The marker whose visibility is to be determined.
decorator HyperModelingDecorator The hypermodeling decorator to which the marker belongs.
config SectionMarkerConfig The configuration controlling marker visibility based on SectionType, ModelSelectorState, and CategorySelectorState.

Returns - boolean

true if the marker should be displayed; false to make it invisible.

Defined in

Last Updated: 06 March, 2025