DiagnosticCodes Variable
The unique diagnostic codes for ECObjects rules.
To provide meaning to code values, with anticipation of future rules for all current EC Types, the following value ranges should be used:
- Schema: 000-099
- Class: 100-199
- Constant: 200-299
- CustomAttribute 300-399
- CustomAttributeClass: 400-499
- CustomAttributeContainer: 500-599
- EntityClass: 600-699
- Enumeration: 700-799
- Format: 800-899
- InvertedUnit: 900-999
- KindOfQuantity: 1000-1099
- Mixin: 1100-1199
- Phenomenon: 1200-1299
- Property: 1300-1399
- PropertyCategory: 1400-1499
- RelationshipClass: 1500-1599
- RelationshipConstraint: 1600-1699
- StructClass: 1700-1799
- Unit: 1800-1899
- UnitSystem: 1900-1999
{ AbstractClassWithNonAbstractBase: string, AbstractConstraintMustExistWithMultipleConstraints: string, AbstractConstraintMustNarrowBaseConstraints: string, AtLeastOneConstraintClassDefined: string, BaseClassIsSealed: string, BaseClassOfDifferentType: string, ConstraintClassesDeriveFromAbstractConstraint: string, CustomAttributeClassNotFound: string, CustomAttributeNotOfConcreteClass: string, CustomAttributeSchemaMustBeReferenced: string, DerivedConstraintsMustNarrowBaseConstraints: string, EnumerationTypeUnsupported: string, IncompatibleTypePropertyOverride: string, IncompatibleUnitPropertyOverride: string, IncompatibleValueTypePropertyOverride: string, MixinAppliedToClassMustDeriveFromConstraint: string }
Default Value
typescript ...
Defined in
Last Updated: 12 March, 2025