edgeHasLargeExteriorAngleBetweenNormals MethodStatic

Compute the angle between plane normals on opposite sides of the edge.

  • parallel normals have zero angle.
  • if the edge cuts inward to the volume behind the faces, the angle is negative.
  • if the edge is outward (a convex edge) the the volume, the angle is positive.

edgeHasLargeExteriorAngleBetweenNormals(edgeNodeA: , edgeVector: Vector3d, averageNormal: Vector3d, offsetDistance: number, radiansTolerance: number...): boolean

@returns true if this edge has SectorOffsetProperties on both sides and the angle between normals angle exceeds radiansTolerance.

Parameter Type Description
edgeNodeA node on one side of the edge
edgeVector Vector3d pre-allocated vector to receive vector along edge.
averageNormal Vector3d pre-allocated vector to receive the average normal for a chamfer of the offset edge.
offsetDistance number distance of offset being constructed. The sign of this resolves angle ambiguity.
radiansTolerance number tolerance for large angle between normals.

Returns - boolean

true if this edge has SectorOffsetProperties on both sides and the angle between normals angle exceeds radiansTolerance.

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025