convertLocalToGlobalDetail MethodStatic

Convert the segment detail to a linestring detail:

  • detail.childDetail is set to a clone of the input segment detail (optionally populating pre-allocated child object).
  • childDetail.a is set to segmentIndex.
  • detail.fraction is set to the global linestring parameter.
  • detail.curve is set to the parent linestring.

convertLocalToGlobalDetail(detail: CurveLocationDetail, segmentIndex: number, numSegment: number, parent?: LineString3d, child?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail

@returns reference to input detail, with both linestring and segment data

Parameter Type Description
detail CurveLocationDetail segment location detail, converted in place
segmentIndex number index of segment in the linestring
numSegment number linestring segment count
parent LineString3d optional linestring primitive
child CurveLocationDetail optional pre-allocated detail to use to clone the child data

Returns - CurveLocationDetail

reference to input detail, with both linestring and segment data

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025