rangeBetweenFractionsByCount Method

Returns an approximate range based on a fixed number of evaluations.

  • Default implementation returns a range determined by evaluating a specified number of points on the curve.
  • Optionally evaluate again at interval midpoints and extrapolate any increase.
  • For a smooth curve, Richardson extrapolation suggests each subdivision moves 3/4 of the way to final. So extrapolationFactor of 1/3 speculatively moves closer to the tight range, and larger multipliers increase confidence in being safely larger.
  • This function is faster to compute the range of a portion of a curve, because some curves can be expensive to compute the partial curve and/or to compute the partial curve's range.

rangeBetweenFractionsByCount(fraction0: number, fraction1: number, count: number, transform?: Transform, extrapolationFactor: number0.0): Range3d

Parameter Type Description
fraction0 number start fraction for evaluation
fraction1 number end fraction for evaluation
count number number of points to evaluate
transform Transform optional transform to be applied to the curve
extrapolationFactor number if positive, evaluate again at interval midpoints and apply this fraction multiplier
to any increase in size.

Returns - Range3d

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025