fractionToPointAndUnitTangent Method

Return the point (x,y,z) and normalized derivative on the curve at fractional position.

  • Note that the derivative is "derivative of xyz with respect to fraction".
  • The un-normalized derivative shows the speed of the "fractional point" moving along the curve.
  • To find the un-normalized derivative, use fractionToPointAndDerivative.

fractionToPointAndUnitTangent(fraction: number, result?: Ray3d): Ray3d

@returns a ray whose origin is the curve point and direction is the normalized derivative with respect to the fraction.

Parameter Type Description
fraction number fractional position on the curve
result Ray3d optional receiver for the result.

Returns - Ray3d

a ray whose origin is the curve point and direction is the normalized derivative with respect to the fraction.

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025