createLinestringOnUVLine MethodStatic

  • evaluate numEdge+1 points at surface uv parameters interpolated between (u0,v0) and (u1,v1)
  • accumulate the xyz in a linestring.
  • If xyzToUV is given, also accumulate transformed values as surfaceUV
  • use xyzToUserUV transform to convert xyz to uv stored in the linestring (this uv is typically different from surface uv -- e.g. torus cap plane coordinates)

createLinestringOnUVLine(surface: UVSurface, u0: number, v0: number, u1: number, v1: number, numEdge: number, saveUV: booleanfalse, saveFraction: booleanfalse): LineString3d

Parameter Type Description
surface UVSurface  
u0 number u coordinate at start of parameter space line
v0 number v coordinate at end of parameter space line
u1 number u coordinate at start of parameter space line
v1 number v coordinate at end of parameter space line
numEdge number number of edges. (numEdge+1 points are evaluated)
saveUV boolean if true, save each surface uv fractions with linestring.addUVParamsAsUV (u,v)
saveFraction boolean if true, save each fractional coordinate (along the u,v line) with linestring.addFraction (fraction)

Returns - LineString3d

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025