createLinestringOnUVLine MethodStatic
- evaluate
points at surface uv parameters interpolated between (u0,v0) and (u1,v1) - accumulate the xyz in a linestring.
- If xyzToUV is given, also accumulate transformed values as surfaceUV
- use xyzToUserUV transform to convert xyz to uv stored in the linestring (this uv is typically different from surface uv -- e.g. torus cap plane coordinates)
createLinestringOnUVLine(surface: UVSurface, u0: number, v0: number, u1: number, v1: number, numEdge: number, saveUV: booleanfalse, saveFraction: booleanfalse): LineString3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
surface | UVSurface | |
u0 | number | u coordinate at start of parameter space line |
v0 | number | v coordinate at end of parameter space line |
u1 | number | u coordinate at start of parameter space line |
v1 | number | v coordinate at end of parameter space line |
numEdge | number | number of edges. (numEdge+1 points are evaluated) |
saveUV | boolean | if true, save each surface uv fractions with linestring.addUVParamsAsUV (u,v) |
saveFraction | boolean | if true, save each fractional coordinate (along the u,v line) with linestring.addFraction (fraction) |
Returns - LineString3d
Defined in
- geometry3d/UVSurfaceOps.ts Line 83
Last Updated: 21 February, 2025
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