computePlanePlanePlaneIntersectionsInAllConvexSets Method

Collect the output from computePlanePlanePlaneIntersections in all the contained convex sets.

computePlanePlanePlaneIntersectionsInAllConvexSets(points: Point3d[], rangeToExtend: Range3d, transform?: Transform, testContainment: booleantrue): number

@returns number of points.

Parameter Type Description
points Point3d[] (optional) array to which computed points are to be added.
rangeToExtend Range3d  
transform Transform (optional) transform to apply to the points.
testContainment boolean if true, test each point to see if it is within the convex set (send false if confident
that the convex set is rectilinear set such as a slab. Send true if chiseled corners are possible).

Returns - number

number of points.

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025