initFromRange MethodStatic

Initialize 2 Transforms that map between the unit box (specified by 000 and 111) and the range box specified by the input points.

initFromRange(min: Point3d, max: Point3d, npcToGlobal?: Transform, globalToNpc?: Transform): void

Parameter Type Description
min Point3d the min corner of the range box
max Point3d the max corner of the range box
npcToGlobal Transform maps NPC coordinates into range box coordinates. Specifically, maps 000 to min and maps
111 to max. This Transform is the inverse of globalToNpc. Object created by caller, re-initialized here.
globalToNpc Transform maps range box coordinates into NPC coordinates. Specifically, maps min to 000 and maps
max to 111. This Transform is the inverse of npcToGlobal. Object created by caller, re-initialized here.
* NPC stands for Normalized Projection Coordinate

Returns - void

Defined in

Last Updated: 12 March, 2025