loopsOfConvexClipPlaneIntersectionWithRange MethodStatic

Return a (possibly empty) array of geometry (Loops !!) which are facets of the intersection of the convex set intersecting a range.

  • Return zero length array for (a) null range or (b) no intersections

loopsOfConvexClipPlaneIntersectionWithRange(allClippers: ClipPlane | ConvexClipPlaneSet | UnionOfConvexClipPlaneSets, range: Range3d, includeConvexSetFaces: booleantrue, includeRangeFaces: booleantrue, ignoreInvisiblePlanes: booleanfalse): GeometryQuery[]

Parameter Type Description
allClippers ClipPlane | ConvexClipPlaneSet | UnionOfConvexClipPlaneSets convex or union clipper
range Range3d range to intersect
includeConvexSetFaces boolean if false, do not compute facets originating as convex set planes.
includeRangeFaces boolean if false, do not compute facets originating as range faces
ignoreInvisiblePlanes boolean if true, do NOT compute a facet for convex set faces marked invisible.

Returns - GeometryQuery[]

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025