intersectSegment Method
Compute the intersection of a line (parameterized as a line segment) with the plane of this triangle.
intersectSegment(point0: Point3d, point1: Point3d, result?: TriangleLocationDetail): TriangleLocationDetail
@returns details d of the line-plane intersection point
returns true if and only if the line intersects the plane.d.classify
can be used to determine where the intersection lies with respect to the triangle.d.a
is the intersection parameter. Ifd.a
is in [0,1], the segment intersects the plane of the triangle.
@see intersectRay3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
point0 | Point3d | start point of segment on line to intersect |
point1 | Point3d | end point of segment on line to intersect |
result | TriangleLocationDetail | optional pre-allocated object to fill and return |
Returns - TriangleLocationDetail
details d of the line-plane intersection point
returns true if and only if the line intersects the plane.d.classify
can be used to determine where the intersection lies with respect to the triangle.d.a
is the intersection parameter. Ifd.a
is in [0,1], the segment intersects the plane of the triangle.
Defined in
- geometry3d/BarycentricTriangle.ts Line 572
Last Updated: 21 February, 2025
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