AxisOrder Enumeration

Enumeration of the 6 possible orderings of XYZ axis order

  • Note: There are 3 axis order with right hand system (XYZ = 0, YZX = 1, ZXY = 2) and 3 axis order with left hand system (XZY = 4, YXZ = 5, ZYX = 6). Note that AxisOrder is encoding the handedness as well. Cross product of the i_th axis in an ordering (i=0,1,2), with the i+1_th in that ordering, will produce the i+2_th axis in that ordering.


Name Value Description
XYZ Right handed system, X then Y then Z
XZY Left handed system, X then Z then Y
YXZ Left handed system, Y then X then Z
YZX Right handed system, Y then Z then X
ZXY Right handed system, Z then X then Y
ZYX Left handed system, Z then Y then X

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025